Saturday, January 30, 2016


We decided to take Clarita up to China Peak Ski Resort for some official skiing on January 17, 2016. She had been really excited about skiing, but that morning she was tired (she hates being woken up) and jealous that Emmett got to go to los Tios and she didn't get to (she was really concerned that Bayleaf and Emmett would take a bath without her). She was also sad that she didn't get to spend the day with Emmett (we thought she would be excited to spend the day with us solo) and kept saying she missed him (melt my heart).

Clara was reading on the way up and all of a sudden she gave me her book and didn't look so hot. She said that she didn't feel good and wanted her chuponcito. Next thing I knew she had thrown up all down her shirt. She was very upset that she was dirty and kept saying that she spit up. We pulled over and got her cleaned up (it was mainly just banana that she had just eaten). Clarita got to eat chips the rest of the way up and was pretty excited about that. This is the first time she has ever been car sick despite numerous times in the mountains so not sure what happened. I think it may have had something to do with reading so we will not do that next time!

We got to China Peak later than we had hoped and Fafa and Dada headed up the mountain to ski while Clara and I got ready (this takes a lot of time with a little one). She then put her skis on and "skied" all over at the bottom of the hill. Clarita did great and was able to ski on her own, especially when on slight inclines. She kept saying, "I'm actually skiing!" She was not so great about staying up when I pulled her, but thought it was pretty fun to fall over. We spent about an hour and a half skiing until Dada and Fafa returned and Fafa and I headed up. Clarita really wanted a hot dog and got her wish when Dada got back and they ate lunch. Unfortunately, she then decided that she hated her skis and snow clothes and threw a fit until Dada took her to the car and took them off. When I got back she was in her leggings, t-shirt, and socks sitting at a bench eating chips and brownies. I told her this was not ok and we headed to the car to put her warm clothes and boots back on. She didn't want to ski anymore and had been requesting to sleep in the car. We compromised with me carrying her in the carrier on my back and watching the kids take ski lessons. Clarita was pretty enthralled with this and got really excited when she saw "ninos littles." She declared that she wants to take a lesson and go on the moving carpet next time (too bad she needs to be three before she can take a lesson). Hopefully we will be able to go back soon and she'll get even more practice!

When we got back to the car, Clara asked me if we were going to pick up Baby Emmett because she missed him. She said, "I just love him!" I'm glad that she loves her brother so much! Clara slept for an hour and half on the way home and then woke up because she had to go potty. She was able to wait 15 minutes to get to McDonalds and use the bathroom. She then declared that she wanted french fries and asked me if I wanted a hamburguesa. We have never taken her to McDonald's (or any fast food aside from In N Out) before so I asked her how she knew there were french fries and hamburgers. She said that Tia took her before (I think they went to the Carl's Jr. drive thru)! Clara also saw a picture of smoothies and declared that she also wanted a Jamba Juice (she said that she called it Jamba Juice because it had bananas in it). I obliged her and she happily ate them/fed me on the rest of the drive home. She was very happy to be reunited with Baby Emmett!

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