Thursday, February 4, 2016

Six Months

I'm not sure how it happened, but somehow Baby Emmett has been alive for half a year! I can't imagine life without him, but at the same time I feel like he was just born. He continues to be the happiest baby around and generally only cries if he is hungry or tired (or if Clara drops something on his head). If you lay him down when he is hungry he will scream like a pterodactyl being murdered until he gets fed. He is giant, and already weighs more than Clara did at ONE YEAR! Emmett isn't fat, but he is sturdy and solid unlike Clarita who was tiny and petite. 

Emmett has been a bit of a nightmare in the sleep department this month. He started waking up two to three times per night and when I started refusing to nurse him because I know he's not hungry, he threw little tantrums complete with screaming and leg kicking. If I nursed him for even one minute he would go back to sleep with no problems but I didn't want to create a monster. At first I thought his sleep strike was due to stopping swaddling him and starting the sleep sack so I bought the biggest swaddle I could didn't help. After three weeks of this and me wanting to cry every night and every morning when I had to wake up, we finally moved him to his room. We had the same problem with Clara around this age and once we put her in her own room she started sleeping through the night again. I swore I wouldn't make the same mistake twice, but Emmett still nurses once and the thought of having to walk upstairs to nurse him in the middle of the night made me also want to cry. It's only been a week, but it seems to have helped. The most he has woken up has been twice and most nights it has only been once to eat and right back to sleep. Hopefully he will decide to like sleeping at night so I can get my much needed sleep!

The Little Guy has finally decided that he would like to move around. He almost always flips to his back when put on his stomach and has even rolled from his back to his stomach a couple of times. We decided that he is either lazy or just so laid back that he can't be bothered to roll since he is totally capable of doing it. He can now sit up unassisted, but still topples over easily. He likes to throw himself backward while being held or while sitting up which doesn't end well for him.

Playdate with the Engstrom ladies

Winnie and Emmett

Playing with Jack

Buggle LOVES to jump and was thrilled when Dada brought the Jumperoo up from the basement. He can happily spend an hour in the Exersaucer or Jumperoo bouncing away! He even tries to jump while being held or while lying down. It's pretty funny. He's also pretty into his toys; actually playing with them not just putting them in his mouth (although he still likes to do that too).

On my birthday, the day before he turned six months old, Buggle got to eat solid food. He had avocado just like Clarita and he seemed to like it. He made some faces but didn't spit it out and swallowed it so I would say that was a success. Although the thought of making baby food again makes me cringe because I know I don't have time, I can't wait to watch the Little Guy try new foods!

Emmett continues to love his big sister and Bayleaf! He is almost always content watching either of them and they can always get a smile out of him. He always comes upstairs with me to wake Clara up in the morning and he gets so happy when he sees her. I love watching them together and throw Bailey in the mix and it gets even cuter!

Clara loves holding him!

Pretending to sleep
Those eyes

Emmett continues to be such a joy, and even when he wakes me up in the middle of the night, I can't help but shower him in kisses. We are so blessed to have such a sweet, easy going little guy and we love him to pieces!

22 Weeks

23 Weeks

24 Weeks

25 Weeks

26 Weeks

Emmett's Stats

Weight: 18 pounds 2 ounces (60th percentile)
Height: 27.5 inches (85th percentile)
Head Circumference: 17.5 inches (85th percentile)

What Emmett Wears

6 month clothes are pretty much a thing of the past. 6-9, 6-12, and 9 months clothes fit and 9 month pajamas are getting snug.

Things Emmett Loves

Mommy and Daddy, nursing, being carried in the carrier, being carried like a parrot, chuponcitos, bath time, his swing, the bouncy chair, tummy time, Clarita and Bailey, putting everything in his mouth, the Rainforest Playmat, looking at the cute baby in the mirror, playing with his toys, sitting up on someone's lap, being a baby airplane, people in general, spitting, splurping, the exersaucer, the jumperoo and jumping in general, the Bumbo, sitting up.

Things Emmett Does Not Love

Waiting to eat, and being overtired, getting his arms put in clothes (he can have his head trapped in a shirt forever, but put his arm in and he's unhappy!), and getting bored.

How Emmett Sleeps

This month was a disaster with wake ups all over the board. He goes to bed between 9:00 and 10:00 PM and has started taking a nap at 9:00 AM, one between 12:30 and 2:00 PM and usually at least one more around 8:00 PM. The fact that we are always on the go means he sometimes takes short naps at random time in the car. He still naps in the swing (although he barely fits) and now sleeps in his crib at night in a sleep sack with his arms swaddled.


Snugglebuggle/Buggle, Little Guy, Baby Emmett, Ojos Azules,  Fuzz head, Chunko 

Monthly Exciting Events

January 27, 2016: Rolls from back to front, eats his first food-avocado
January 24, 2016: Sleeps in his crib for the first time
January 19, 2016: Fun in the Jumperoo begins
January 14, 2016: Starts consistently rolling from front to back
January 12, 2016: First bath in the Bumbo
January 6, 2016: Starts "talking" aka making actual word sounds
January 5, 2016: Starts sitting up unassisted
January 3, 2016: First time in the snow, first time sledding, first application of sunscreen
December 31, 2016: Starts using a sleep slack with his arms swaddled

Monthly Pictures

1 comment:

  1. he still wakes up more than once a night. Sometimes someone has to go up and change his diaper and then he sleeps some more before waking up and eating.
