Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Super Bowl 50!

We headed to the Toms' for their annual super bowl party, but they just moved so it also served as a kind of house warming party. Their new place was great and their party was awesome as usual. I don't know if I actually watched any of the game between stuffing my face, chasing Clara, and taking care of Emmett, but I had fun nonetheless. Clarita and Connor  had so much fun chasing each other around, pushing each other on a little car, sliding, and just being silly. It was so cute to watch them interact and realize that they did not need any assistance communicating or playing together! The rest of the kids also had fun playing with the toys and each other. Little Jack kept the kids in line by bopping them on the head, Rory, Henry, and Bayleaf chased after the big kids, and Emmett and Maisie were content to be held (Emmett even got a little nap in). Jack put on a halftime show for us which involved dancing in a tray on the ottoman which was amazing! It was a great night and Clara cried when we had to leave!



Clara and Connor

It's official, she's a Texas fan!

Live halftime show!

Hanging out with George

"Go to sleep Connor!"

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