Saturday, February 6, 2016

Un Dia En La Vida De Clarita y Emmett

I realized that I haven't done one of these in awhile because A) we are never home and B) keeping track of two kids for an entire day is difficult! I gave up trying to find a day when we were home all day and opted for a Sunday that reflects more of what our lives are like. This is from Sunday, January 30, 2016.

12:54: Emmett is fussing. It's early but he's not stopping so I reluctantly go up and nurse and do diaper change.
1:11: He's back asleep.
4:23: Emmett is fussing again, but I ignore him and he goes back to sleep.
5:20: I hear crying thankfully Dada brings him to me to nurse and change his diaper.
5:38: I put him upstairs and he's asleep.
7:51: I wake up when I hear Clara yell, "Dada." When he goes to her room she yells "No, Mama." I go up and Buggle is awake too. We have some snuggles and head downstairs.

8:00: The Little Guy goes in the Jumperoo while I get ready and Clarita eats bagel and yogurt and helps dada makes waffles.

8:24: Emmett whines every time he sees me so we nurse and do diaper and Clara does her sticker book.
8:40: Waffles are ready. We eat while Emmett plays in the Bumbo. Clara declares that she wants syrup and jam on her waffle and then proceeds to lick it all off, take a couple bites, and declare that she is done.

8:55: Done eating, clean up.
9:01: We get ready for church which entails brushing teeth, getting dressed, brushing hair, and going potty.

"He loves to chupar (suck) my finger!"

9:30: Head downstairs to find Dada in the attic where he has discovered a leak in the roof. We bring him a pot to catch the leaking water and Clara is very concerned that we are using a pot for this. She tells me, "You don't supposed to do that. You supposed to use them to cook."

9:45: Off to church late as usual. Emmett is tired because it's way past naptime. Clara pouts because I won't let her listen to musica de Clarita because she wasn't behaving well.

9:54: The Little Guy is out after singing himself to sleep.
10:04: We get to church. Clara and Bailey occupy themselves by eating crackers, pouches, mum mums, and water.

10:31: Emmett wakes up super happy.

10:53: Church is over Clara eats a cookie and goes potty while Emmett socializes and gets his diaper changed.

11:10: We head to Juanitos for a belated birthday lunch with my family.
11:16: We arrive at Juanitos. Clara wants a "big burrito" and is content eating chips until the food comes.

11:27: I nurse Emmett at the table while we wait for our food. I would never have done this with Clara (especially without a cover), not because I was uncomfortable, but because I felt like it made others uncomfortable. I do not care anymore and don't even think twice about nursing uncovered wherever I am.
11:39: Emmett finishes eating and Clara declares she has to go potty so Dada takes her.
11:45: Our food arrives and we chow down!

Helping to open my presents

12:10: Clarita declares that she has to go poopoo so I take her.

12:17: We pay and head out. Emmett is asleep immediately.

12:38: We get home and Clara plays in puddles on the way to the house because "I have my botas de hule (rain boots)."

12:47: Clara requests to sleep so we put her down for a nap.
12:55: Emmett is awake and eating his book. We do a diaper change and play in his room upstairs. He practices his screeches, squeals, rolling over, sitting up, flying, and reading.

1:40: I put him in his swing to sleep but it's getting close to feeding time and he won't have it.
1:54: Dada takes him out but he fusses until I pick him up. We snuggle and he bounces on my lap.
2:08: Emmett is crying so we go upstairs to nurse he falls asleep and stays asleep while I change his diaper and put him in his crib.
3:00: He's crying so I get him right as the solar guy gets here. I rock him in his chair and he falls back to sleep
3:12: Clara wakes up and Emmett wakes up screaming when I lay him down to get her. We do a diaper/clothes change because he's soaking wet (perhaps why he won't sleep).

3:24: We head downstairs to get Clara (only Mama can get her, not Dada) and I put him in the exersaucer while Clara sits with us to meet with the solar guy. Emmett joins us when he gets bored. Clara goes potty.

Apparently Clarita took a picture of the solar guy

4:12: Clara requests graham crackers and milk then takes her tights off to put flip flops on and plays.
4:36: Emmett goes in the Jumperoo.

5:00: He's done with the Jumperoo. Clara decides to give me presents (her toys put into bags and boxes). When she gets bored with me she gives them to Dada. Each time she gives them to us (about a million times) she has to take each present out and say what it is, sometimes in English and Spanish. Luckily the solar guy has kids and plays along. Emmett goes in the carrier to help me make dinner.

5:52: The solar guy leaves Dada goes to grocery while store Emmett nurses. Clarita keeps playing with her presents.
6:02: Emmett's asleep so I put him in the swing. Dada gets home and he and Clara play Child's First Game while I finish dinner.

6:30: Emmett wakes up and we do a diaper change.
6:35: Dinner is ready and we eat sweet potato, biscuits, and broccoli (Clara has mandarina too). Emmett eats sweet potato for the first time and tries water. He loves it and cries when I take the cup away!

7:08: Bath time! Clara has to get out to go potty.

7:35: We head upstairs to get ready for bed which entails brushing teeth, brushing hair, lotion for the Little Guy's eczema, and pajamas. And running around like a loquita!

It's never too early to start good dental hygiene!


8:05: We read, go potty, and Clara gets to watch her coveted lollipop video (it started with the song Lollipop Lollipop and now entails watching a Youtube video of playdoh (sometimes in the shape of lollipops) which gets opened to reveal hidden toys. It is ridiculous but kids love it! She only gets to watch it if she behaves and goes potty before bed.

Getting fuzzed by Baby Emmett (another bedtime ritual)

8:34: Clara is all tucked in when she has a meltdown because she decides  she wants d to eat all of her dinner so she can have dessert. She declares that she wants to sleep downstairs and screams and runs out of her room crying. Dada calms her down while Emmett and I eat cheesecake but she gets out of bed and lays by her door screaming when he leaves. I go upstairs and calm her down but she screams when I leave saying she needs to go potty. She doesn't actually go when she tries. She says she's afraid of nightmares and her stuffed animals and her books (but doesn't want me to remove any of these items).
9:12: I leave Clara screaming in her room and go downstairs to nurse Emmett who has fallen asleep snuggling with dada. Dada goes back up because she's screaming she has to go potty. She pees. Emmett falls asleep but wakes up when I change his diaper and Clara comes into his room.
9:32: Buggle is swaddled and in bed. Clara says goodnight to him and agrees to go to sleep too (not sure what that hour long tantrum was about).

10:23: Clara is crying. She goes potty with Dada.
11:25: Clara is crying again but we ignore her and she stops.
12:23: Emmett crying and I can't deal with anymore of this so I nurse him and he goes back to sleep. (He wakes up twice more which leaves two very tired parents the next day).

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