Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Our Little Skier

We bought Clara some real skis and have taken her up to China Peak twice. She absolutely loves it and doesn't want to leave! The real skis are so much better than the plastic ones she was using before and she was able to slide much better. She loved having me pull her around with the poles to get to the hill. Clara was so excited to go on the moving carpet and rode it like a pro. It was like she just knew what to do with her hands and didn't even fall getting off the moving carpet. We took her down the tiny bunny hill first and she did great so while Fafa and Dada headed up the mountain I took her over to the bigger bunny hill. I only snowboard and have no idea how to ski so I didn't know how to teach her. Luckily the girl was a natural! I would tell her to turn (not knowing how she should do this) and she would turn. She told me that she wanted to chase me down the hill and go really fast. I told her to make a pizza with her skis to slow down and she said, "I don't want to go slow, only fast!" My favorite was when she did 180s and then proceeded to ski backwards without falling down. When she did fall she laughed hysterically.

Peeing in the "outside potty"

hot dogs, apples, and cookies are her skiing food

We had planned on leaving Emmett with los Tios, but Bayleaf was sick the first time we went so we brought him along. Turns out it wasn't a bad experience so we brought him the second time as well. Emmett may have had as much fun as Clarita! We wore him in the carrier and he squealed with delight when I ran down the hill after Clara with him. We got several comments on how cute he was and one guy said that he wanted to take a video because Clara was having so much fun, I was running with Emmett strapped on, and Emmett was laughing away! He took naps when he got tired and seemed to enjoy the fresh air.

I think it's safe to say that we have a little skier. She constantly asks if she can go back to China Peak to ski. I think she wants more hotdogs too since that is what she requests to eat as soon as we get to China Peak. She also always picks out an apple so at least she is well balanced! I see a lot more skiing in our future! Clara told me that I need to practice skiing and Fafa needs to practice snowboarding. She even offered to let me use her poles!

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