Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Seven Months

Our Little Guy is seven months! He's still super happy, but is starting to become opinionated as well. When Clarita takes a toy away from he will burst into angry tears or scream, and if he gets bored or we won't let him play with something (like our phones or napkins) he also gets angry and lets it be known! He still rarely cries, and when he does he just sounds mad. Clara was dramatic from the very beginning and her cries sounded like she was being murdered. Emmett's sound like he wants to punch someone.

This month Emmett had his first sickness. He had a little cold and although it didn't seem to bother him, it bothered me. It didn't help that Dada was out of town so I was trying to juggle work and both kids. I even called the doctor which I never do. Clarita has never really been sick, she's had a couple days where she had a fever and a stuffy nose but it always lasted 24 hours or less. Emmett was super congested and had a fever of 102. He never complained, but he just didn't seem like himself. Once he had medicine and his fever went down he was super happy and played. It lasted for three days and then he was better and we were all happier. As a result, I think he lost a little weight this month.

Bathtime fun with Jeffrey

Cutest gang I've ever seen

Emmett still detests food. He won't open his mouth and if I sneak some in he often spits it out. He will eat a little banana if I let him grab it, but nothing else. I didn't give Clara fruit until she had eaten tons of veggies, but I even resorted to fruit for Buggle since he wouldn't eat veggies. Turns out he despises that too. He loves water though and drinks away! I keep trying food every night and I assume that he will decide he likes it at some point...

Thankfully this month Emmett decided that he loves sleeping. He started the month out sleeping all night a couple nights in a row and I literally woke up every hour thinking something was wrong. I mean how can one go from sleeping four hours to sleeping ten hours? I even went up to check on him because I knew he must be dead. Turns out he just figured out how to sleep. Part of it may be due to the fact that he rolls onto his side or tummy and seems to sleep better then. Who knows why, but I'll take it! I'm starting to feel like a real person again! Dada is the baby whisperer and can always get Emmett to sleep when he is fussy and overtired. If I try he just cries, but when Dada tries he is asleep in minutes!

Baby Whisperer
The Snugglebuggle is nowhere near crawling. I'm not sure if he is lazy, super chill, or just has so much weight to lift up that it's harder, but he doesn't seem to care if he moves around. He loves sitting up and gets angry if he falls over and can't sit to play with his toys now. He will sit and play happily by himself for at least a half an hour.

Emmett continues to love his sister and I often hear Clara saying, "A boo Baby Emmett" in the back seat while we're driving somewhere and he squeals in delight. She can always get a smile out of him and his face brightens up whenever he sees her. It is the sweetest thing to watch! He loves Bayleaf too and always smiles when she runs over signing and saying baby! He has also decided that he really loves me and will scream if I hand him off when he is tired or hungry. When I get home from work he immediately starts whining and holds his little arms out to me. He also has to nurse within a half hour of me arriving home from work. It doesn't matter if he ate 15 minutes before I got home, he is suddenly ravenous as soon as he sees me!

The Little Guy babbles away and his favorite sounds are Mama, Aba, baa baa, and blah blah blah. He still has a rash all over his stomach and I have tried a million lotions and creams but nothing seems to help. It still doesn't bother him but looks terrible. I am hoping to find the cure/culprit soon. He still loves to spit and does so all the time. We will often be driving and I just hear spitting coming from the backseat. He's all boy!

27 Weeks

28 Weeks

29 Weeks

30 Weeks

31 Weeks

Emmett's Stats
Weight: 18 pounds 
Height: 27.5 inches 
Head Circumference: 17.75 inches 

What Emmett Wears
9 and 6-12 month clothes fit pretty well. His pajamas are still 9 month and are too small, but I haven't gotten around to getting 12 months ones yet.

Things Emmett Loves
Mommy and Daddy, nursing, being carried in the carrier, chuponcitos (for chewing on), bath time, Clarita and Bailey, putting everything in his mouth, looking at the cute baby in the mirror, playing with his toys, sitting up, being a baby airplane, people in general, spitting, splurping, the exersaucer, the jumperoo and jumping in general.

Things Emmett Does Not Love
Waiting to eat, being overtired, getting his arms put in clothes, getting bored, having his face/nose wiped, having things taken away from him.

How Emmett Sleeps
Hopefully this month was a sign of better times. He generally went to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 and either woke up once around 2:00 or not until 7:15 the next morning! I generally had to wake him up in the morning. He has been taking three naps one between 9:00 and 10:00, one sometime in the afternoon (it varies) and another between 6:00 and 7:00. He sleeps in his crib in a sleep sack with a million animals that he likes to cover his face with (I know babies aren't supposed to sleep with animals but they really seem to help him sleep better so we roll with it).

Snugglebuggle/Buggle, Little Guy, Baby Emmett, Ojos Azules,  Fuzz head, Chunko, Baby Bug 

Monthly Exciting Events
February 25, 2016: First medicine
February 24, 2016: First fever :(
February 20, 2016: First time in the carrier on someone's back, first time in the carrier with Dada
February 17, 2016: Starts continuously sleeping through the night
February 14, 2016: First time in a highchair
February 11, 2016: Starts Gymboree
February 5, 2016: First time swinging (thanks Aba)
January 30, 2016: First time drinking water

Monthly Pictures

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