Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Princesa Clarita

Clara has been obsessed with princesses lately. She wants to wear "princess dresses" aka puffy dresses and dances around singing, "I'm a princess, I'm a princess." Sometimes we can convince her to do (or not do) something by telling her that princesses do (or do not do) certain things.

Princesas eat cereal in the playroom!

The zoo had their annual Frogs and Fairytales event and I thought it would be perfect for Clara. She got all dressed up in her princess dress (she was Princesa Clarita) and she, Emmett, and I headed to the zoo while Dada and Fafa went skiing (once we got there I was very glad that Dada did not come since he would have hated it). I didn't know what to expect, but thought there would be princesses walking around. Wrong. It was held in a back area of the zoo and there were different stations to go to. One of these stations included the princesses standing in front of a backdrop where the kids could take pictures of them. That was the only time the princesses could be seen and had an extremely long line. All of the stations had long lines and our morning basically involved waiting in line to do things.

Luckily we went to the cookie decorating station first before the line was long. Clarita was so excited to decorate a cookie with jelly beans that she then got to eat (she had never had jelly beans before). We also went to a game station where she matched frogs to their lilypads, a station where you could pet different lizards (she declined to touch them), and a snack station where she got a juice box which she was so excited about since she never gets juice. I told her that she could only have it because it was a special occasion and she now requests to drink "special juice" all the time. We ended with taking pictures with the princesas and Clara was so excited. She patiently waited in line (our only blunder was while I was trying to situate Emmett in the carrier so I could nurse him and Clara's snack bag broke. It was a bit of a disaster while we tried to collect everything and store it in my jacket pockets while Emmett screamed) and proceeded to hug every princess and then pose for a picture. This was so unlike Clara to hug strangers and pose for pictures that I knew she must be so excited about the princesses! It's funny because she has never watched a princess movie and had no clue who they were (except what I told her), but she was so excited nonetheless.

Such a trooper!

We then walked around the zoo and saw some of the animals. Emmett handled the trip like a champ and was his normal happy self. Clara is now even more obsessed with princesses and I see more trips like this in our future!

Eating In N Out on the way home

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