Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Teegee's Third Birthday

We had so much fun celebrating Teegee's third birthday! It was a cold rainy day, but the kids didn't mind. They had fun playing in the bounce house and running in the rain. At one point I made Clarita put shoes on because she was running around the patio in the rain barefoot!

Playing in the rain barefoot!

Laura and Eden
Tio and Bayleaf


Grandma Traci and Serena

They make the same facial expressions!

The theme of the party was Paw Patrol complete with a pinata, a game, cupcakes, books, and great food. Clarita had fun playing with all the kids and Emmett enjoyed watching the kids and getting lots of love from the adults (and he even took a stab at the pinata!). Bailey was there and Clara was really excited to see her. She said, "Come outside with me Bailey," held her hand out, and guided Bailey outside. It was very cute and I am glad they love each other so much! Clara, Teegee, and Ryland will all be in the same grade and it was fun to watch the three of them running around playing together!


Clarita was a good helper bringing Teagan gifts to open. She actually listened and didn't open the presents if Teagan didn't want her to (I didn't know she could muster such self control). We had a fun day with family celebrating Teegee!

This guy kinda looks like Fafa...

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