Monday, April 4, 2016


A few weeks ago we took a drive into the foothills to see the poppies. I don't think they were quite as spectacular as last year, but they were still beautiful. We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place! Since Clarita hadn't been taking great naps on the weekend we decided to head out after lunch and hope that she would sleep in the car or at least rest. She did not sleep, but she seemed to enjoy the trip. She really liked the poppies and kept asking to take pictures with them! Towards the end of the drive she started getting fussy and asking if she could get out of the car. She managed to hang on until we got home without any real meltdowns. Emmett slept most of the trip, waking up to nurse on the way home. He was content to play in his carseat while awake. It was a great afternoon trip!

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