Saturday, April 23, 2016

Beauty and the Beast

Sophia was in Reedley High's production of Beauty and the Beast and I planned to watch it, but it never occurred to me to take Clara as I thought she was too young. Kate suggested that I bring her and I opted to skip nap time on Sunday and take her to the matinee. I wasn't sure how she would do, but we talked about it before hand and she looked at pictures and was really excited. She wore her princesa dress (which just happened to be a Belle dress) and picked out flowers for Sophia before the play. We decided to have a Clarita and Mama day after church while we waited for the play. Dada had gone for a bike ride to prepare for his 100 mile ride in a couple of weeks, and he stopped by Jamba Juice (what special day is complete without Jamba Juice?) to pick Emmett up. I was surprised when Clara agreed that Emmett and Dada could have lunch with us, but she was very excited about it. She chose rice for lunch so we headed to Daniel's for some Mexican food (and she only ate rice). After lunch we hit up Dollar Tree (Clara really wanted to go there) and then picked up flowers. We also went to the grocery store where she insisted on bringing her new basket (aka basket for shopping).

We had great seats in the second row and Clara was absolutely mesmerized. She sat in my lap and actually whispered when she had something to say. At the very beginning she declared that the people were just wearing costumes and therefore not scary. Clarita was very into the play and at intermission asked if there was going to be more. She behaved perfectly and exceeded all of my expectations! Clarita was disappointed when the play was over but excited to see Sophie. Kate and I talked to the director and his wife after the play and reminisced about our days in the high school plays (he's the same director we had). We were both very impressed with the play and how professional it was. I did not feel like I was watching a high school play.

Sophia is the cutest!

Princesa Clarita

Afterwards we headed to Baskin Robbins for some ice cream. Clarita insisted on getting hers in a cup so she could carry it in her basket. She quickly tired of hers and usurped my cone. Ethan impressed us all by opening doors for us and throwing our trash away and Sophie was so cute with her bright red lipstick that she was so proud of. It was a great day and I think Clara is pretty impressed with plays. She said that her favorite part was the "nice monster" (the Beast) and that was also her favorite costume. I can't wait to take her to more!

Look at that red lipstick!

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