Saturday, April 9, 2016

Easter 2016

We had a fun filled Easter this year beginning with church. Tia was in charge of the children's lesson this year and Dada and I helped out/kept Bayleaf entertained. The kids learned about the Easter story through Resurrection Eggs which included an egg with something in it for each part of the story and was a great idea! Clara sat and listened and Emmett happily smiled away while we tried to get Bailey to sit still. The kids had fun hunting Easter eggs. Clara got pretty into it, Bailey was more interested in taking the eggs out of her bag and throwing them on the ground. At one point there were about four older boys surrounding Bailey trying to get her to pick up an egg; it was super cute!

After church we headed to los Tios for lunch. Tia made awesome lasagna and everyone else brought great sides. We had brownies and ice cream to celebrate being able to eat junk food again! Emmett and Bayleaf both fell asleep on the way home from church and took short naps before lunch. The kids enjoyed opening their many Easter baskets, playing with all of their new toys, and playing with each other. Tio Robert (aka the Easter Bunny) hid eggs and the kids had a blast finding them. Some had fruit snacks in them, but a lot were empty because the kids really just like playing with the eggs and don't eat candy yet. Clara hit the mother load, Bailey found quite a few, and even Emmett picked some up! Clarita decided that the Easter Bunny had gotten in his car and left which is why she didn't see him. According to her he has a minivan (perhaps so he has enough room for all the eggs)! We got some pictures of the kids/family pictures outside and enjoyed hanging out and relaxing.

We then headed to the Ubiquitous Farm where Gruncle Tod and Grauntie Traci hosted another great celebration. Clarita and Emmett both fell asleep in the car and Clara did not wake up when we got there so we rolled the windows down and let her sleep for about 45 minutes until the sun was on her and she was sweating. Clarita is not a happy camper when woken up and it took her awhile to become pleasant. Once she was awake, she had tons of fun playing in the tree house, hunting Easter eggs, and playing with all of the other kids. Emmett woke up shortly after we arrived and was content to nurse, smile, look dapper, and get snuggles. He really is the most easy going little guy and having two short naps did not affect his ability to stay happy. There were five babies under eight months, and another six around Clara's age so it was very fun to watch. By the end of the evening Clarita was sitting in the ball pit with Logan and Holly having a conversation with them! She was very sad to leave because she was having so much fun!

Baby Hudson


Wearing Dada's baby shoes

The two responsible for carrying on the Parkinson name

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