Monday, April 4, 2016

Second Annual Monterey Weekend

I have a Forensic Mental Health conference for work every year in Monterey. This has always fallen on the week of Clara's birthday and last year Kevin brought Clara on Thursday and we spent the weekend in Monterey. We decided to do the same this year and he and the kids arrived Thursday afternoon (I had been there since Monday and was so happy to see my babies). Clarita was so excited about the hotel and Emmett was pretty excited to see me and nurse. He burst into tears when I set him on the bed to put my stuff from the conference down.

Watching basketball with Dada

On Friday after my conference, we headed to lunch and then met David at his house where Clarita and I took a nap while the guys hung out. Lizanne, Liam, and Keira got home later and the kids were so excited to see Clara and meet Emmett. Liam and Keira were great with Clara and Emmett and Clara wasted no time running off to play with them. Liam enjoyed holding Emmett and even fed him some banana! We hung out and ate a great dinner that Lizanne made. They are doing a cleanse so no meat and no sugar which was perfect since I don't eat meat and gave up junk food for Lent!

Emmett loved David
Saturday we went to a pancake breakfast fundraiser for Liam's baseball team. Then we headed to the aquarium with Keira, Clara, and Emmett to celebrate Clara's birthday while Liam played baseball. Clarita was pretty excited about the aquarium and ran from exhibit to exhibit exclaiming over the fish. A new exhibit opened that day about Baja California so we got to see that which was pretty cool. Keira was a great helper and obliged Clara by holding her hand and following her instructions (Clara bosses everyone around regardless of age). Emmett was mesmerized by the big tanks and the lights and colors. I thought that he may take a nap, but he was so enthralled that he was content to look at everything (with a nursing break of course). Around noon Clara started to get tired and hungry and threw a tantrum because she didn't want to go to the bathroom before we left. Keira was so sweet and helpful and even collected Clarita's shoes that she kicked off during her tantrum. We headed out around one and went to Trader Joe's to pick up some food for lunch and dinner. All of the kids had fun there (what kid doesn't love a supermarket?).

Liam was so sweet with Emmett

It was freezing so Liam wore my jacket

And Clarita wrapped up in a towel

Cutest pearls around!

Shopping carts are awesome!
Clara requested hotdogs for her birthday lunch so we picked some up and cooked them when we got back. She and I took a nap while everyone else hung out. The kids and Dada's went to the park while Emmett and the Mama's stayed home to catch up and make dinner. Lizanne used to have a business making truffles and now makes them from time to time for special occasions. She happened to have an order that weekend and made a bunch. The kids all got to eat one as a treat after dinner and Clarita was really excited about her birthday "ball." Liam and Keira were so sweet and orchestrated singing Happy Birthday to Clara at dinner. She surprised us all by hiding under the table and almost crying. You never know what you're going to get with that girl.

Kiera reading to Clara

On Sunday Dada headed out for a long bike ride while the rest of us went to church. Clara was impressed by the band but stated that she liked our church better because it has toys. I explained to her that if she had gone to the preschool class like I suggested she would probably have been able to play with toys but she didn't agree. We met Dada back at the house and had lunch before heading home. We stopped at the beach so Clara could play on our way home. She absolutely loved it and we chased the waves and drew in the sand. She requested to take her clothes off and go in the water but I said no. Emmett hung out in his carseat and enjoyed the fresh air. Both kids took naps on the way home and Emmett slept the entire trip! We stopped at Baskin Robbins to get a birthday ice cream for Clarita and she was in heaven! It was a great trip and we had so much fun with the Shoffs! We can't wait to see them again in July in Tahoe and look forward to our annual Monterey trip next year!

Liam took some pictures

Scooting along!

First bike ride

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