Saturday, April 9, 2016

Eight Months

Emmett has become more opinionated and more interested in moving this month. He now has definite likes and dislikes and screams angrily when he doesn't get what he wants (like my phone). He also squeals with joy when he gets something he wants or when someone plays with him (especially Clara). The Little Guy started rolling all over at the end of the month and pushes himself up on his toes like he's doing downward dog! I think he may actually crawl soon!

Buggle has decided that food is pretty awesome and now gets mad if we are holding food and not shoveling it into his mouth. His favorite is bananas and if he sees a banana he starts whining and grabbing for it. One day Dada had a banana for Clarita and Emmett grabbed it and shoved it in his mouth. Clara started screaming that it was her banana, but Emmett would not let go and continued gobbling it up while Clara screamed. He still doesn't want purees, but will eat most other foods we give him. That's fine with me because I don't actually like making baby food (or have time to do it) so he can just eat what we are eating!

Emmett continues to be huge and super strong. He likes to grab everything and can pull chairs over. Once he gets something in his grip (like mine and Clara's hair) it is difficult to free it. He also wants to see everything and is always struggling in our arms and squirming to get a better view (or to grab something). He likes to throw himself backwards while being held and I know I am going to drop him one day.

We still have the happiest baby around and he can usually be found playing happily or smiling/squealing about something. He has the best, most infectious laugh and I just can't get enough of it! Even Clarita is always trying to make Emmett laugh (not very difficult to do). We really are super lucky!

31 Weeks

32 Weeks

33 Weeks

34 Weeks

Emmett's Stats
Weight: 18.8 pounds 
Height: 27.5 inches 
Head Circumference: 17.75 inches 

What Emmett Wears
9 month clothes are getting snug, 6-12 month clothes fit pretty well, and I have even thrown a few 12 month shirts in the mix. Pajamas are 12 month.

Things Emmett Loves
Mommy and Daddy, nursing, being carried in the carrier, bath time, Clarita and Bailey, putting everything in his mouth, looking at the cute baby in the mirror, playing with his toys, sitting up, being a baby airplane, people in general, spitting, splurping, the exersaucer, the jumperoo, and jumping in general.

Things Emmett Does Not Love
Waiting to eat, being overtired, getting his arms put in clothes, getting bored, having his face/nose wiped, having things taken away from him.

Emmett has tried, banana, pea, sweet potato, avocado, beet, cheese, carrot, plum, peach, puffs, yogurt puffs, Mum Mums, and Cheerios. His favorites are bananas, Mum Mums, and Cheerios.

How Emmett Sleeps
We now have an amazing sleeper! He goes to bed between 8:00 and 9:00 and sleeps until around 7:00. When he wakes up in the morning he is content to play and sing in his crib until I come up to feed him. Emmett generally takes two naps one between 9:00 and 10:00 and one between 12:00 to 2:00. Thy vary between one to two hours. The Little Guy is amazingly flexible and can take naps on the go. He sometimes takes a billion short naps as we get in and out of the car and it doesn't phase him or make him any less happy. 

Snugglebuggle/Buggle, Little Guy, Baby Emmett, Fuzz head, Chunko, Baby Bug, Buddy (thanks Dada), Emee (thanks Bailey),  Brudder (thanks Clarita)

Monthly Exciting Events
March 27, 2016: First Easter egg hunt

March 19, 2016: First trip to an aquarium, first time sitting in a shopping cart
March 17, 2016: First road trip with Dada and Clara to Monterey
March 5, 2016: First time being babysat by Tio Robert and Tia Erika (he loved it)

Monthly Pictures

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