Sunday, January 8, 2017

Christmas 2016

The kids actually managed to sleep until a little after 7:00 on Christmas (well Clara woke up several times in the night to ask if Santa had come)! We opened stockings and Clara dressed herself and Bailey up like princesses. We enjoyed a delicious breakfast and then everyone got ready to go to their next party (and Aba got ready to relax). Emmett fell asleep pretty quickly in the car and actually stayed asleep when I took him out and put him in the Pack N Play at los Abuelos. We talked to Grandpa Bill on the way there and were sad that we couldn't spend Christmas with him.

She insisted on wearing this costume the

Tia's strong!

Emmett slept for a good hour and a half in the living room while everyone was hanging out. The kids even opened their stockings and he slept away. While we were eating lunch Clara said, "Emmett's awake!" I asked her how she knew and she said, "because he's looking at me" and sure enough he was standing up looking at us! He joined us for lunch and then it was time to open presents. The kids had a great time opening their presents and were all excited about their presents.

The kids played with their new presents and with each other. Clara dressed Teegee up as a princess and the two girls had a blast. The adults enjoyed lots of good food and good company! It was a relaxing afternoon.

What a ham!

We headed home around 6:30 and Clarita was very excited to open the stockings at home. She took them all down and distributed them. She loved her presents as did the rest of us. Dada built Clara's new dollhouse and I'm not sure who liked it more, me, Clara, or Emmett! Emmett ran around with the Carebears and I tried to clean up the aftermath of Christmas. It was a great couple of days, but we were all exhausted by the end!

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