Monday, January 2, 2017

Christmas Festivities

The day after Thanksgiving we went to see the Christmas trees in town get lit. It starts at Memorial Park with the giant tree being lit. Everyone then carols to the tree in the middle of downtown. Santa makes an appearance and after the downtown tree is lit everyone participates in traditional Swedish dances by the tree. We met the McClartys, Siegels, and los Tios there and the kids had fun. Clara, Lyla, and Cooper were pretty excited to see Santa but Bailey and Emmett were not impressed.

Clarita loves Santa
Emmett does not

Bailey screamed so hard she didn't make any noise

Lyla and Cooper

We decorated the weekend after Thanksgiving and Clara was pretty into it. She put up a lot of decorations by herself and enjoyed learning about where they came from. Emmett liked the sparkly things and has been surprisingly good about not touching the tree. We didn't even have to tell him not to, he just hasn't done it. (Bailey, on the other hand, grabbed it and when Clara yelled at her and tried to get her to stop the tree ended up on the ground.)

Apichuca (the Elf) left us ingredients to
make french toast!

We're all looking and the cats aren't clawing us...
nothing short of a Christmas miracle!

We went to the Electrical Light Parade in Reedley December 1 and the kids loved it! Emmett wouldn't sit still before the parade, but as soon as it started he was absolutely silent except when he pointed at something he liked. Most of our friends from Kingsburg were there as well as the Miltons. Clara watched the parade with the Ketelsens on Chelsea's lap. They are her new favorite family! (Unfortunately I only got a few pictures since my phone broke)

That weekend we went to the Santa Lucia parade in Kingsburg. We watched it with the Rodriguezs, Ketelsens and Ikutas. After the parade Clarita convinced everyone to head to the train station to see the model trains. The kids were very impressed and Emmett kept signing train. It was a fun night!

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