Monday, January 2, 2017

Lo Que Dice Clarita Otoño 2016

This little girl kills me! She comes up with the funniest sayings and is always making us laugh. She loves to sing and dance and often invents her own songs. She sometimes plays the piano and sings along and loves to perform. She talks non-stop and has become obsessed with knock knock jokes. She invents her own and they are absolutely terrible which makes them funny too. Clarita is still super stubborn and throws tantrums for seemingly no reason. She's a handful but we wouldn't trade her for the world!

"Kevin drives very slow. You drive very fast!"

"When I get to be a mama I can pick noses too! I'm sure excited about that!" (After I cleaned out her nose)

When the power went out: "Dada needs to replace the batteries." Aba: "No all the power in the house is out." Clara: "I guess the solar panels aren't working."

"I'm the president!" Me: "Who's the actual president?" Clara: "Donald Trump." (this was before the election and we had a little talk about what makes someone a good candidate.

"I have nuts in my mouth!" While eating breakfast of Grape nuts

Spins around "Watch my dress fly. And then you can see my panties! Pretty cool Huh? I wish you would do that with your dress. But it's only for kids."

"Aba said my last name is mischief maker. Maybe it's your first name." (when she didn't like what I was telling her)

Dada: "Are you done or are you going to sit on the potty all day?"Clara: "I'M DONE! Oh, Kevin. You are sucking me." (not sure what that means)

Clara: "Is Dada portaring mal (misbehaving) like Fafa?" Me: "How does Fafa misbehave?" Clara: "He doesn't do what Abuela Sheri wants."

Clara: "I want to be a man." Me: "Why?" Clara: "Because I want to sleep without a shirt like mans do!"

"I want to say a joke. Orange carrots peas knock knock knock!" (we're working on knock jokes)

"I cut the pepino's (cucumber) pokes (nails)!" (she bit the skin off) 

Me: "Emmett is…" Clara: "A stubborn little guy!"

"Bluesha I won't let you do that because I'm a mama." (apparently mamas don't let kids do things)

"I'm the bank requestor. I request money for people who don't have any. Here's $80.3."

Clara's advice to me after I said my legs were sore: "Don't do squats. Just do one and then play with me!"

"I want French toast with no French!"

Talking about chile dulce (pepper) with Dada: Clara. "That means it has sugar." (because it's dulce [sweet]) Dada: "Yep, all fruits and vegetables have sugar some just have more than others." Clara: "This is natural sugar. Like when the guitars were playing and you told me 'Clara, you're a natural.'"
(he told her that a year and a half can she remember so much?)  

"Last night I tried to put my brains on my shoulder but they keep falling off.  I don't know why they do that." 

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