Monday, January 2, 2017

Christmas Recitals

Clara had both her preschool and her music class recitals last week. Her preschool recital was in the church at preschool and was together with two other classes, on of which was Reedcito's. The recital was right in the middle of the day so I worked from home in the morning and Emmett and I met Aba, Bailey, and Dada there. Bailey was really excited to see Kieran and could not wait to see Clara. She kept saying, "I want see Clara!" The kids were super cute, Reed's class dressed up (he was a wiseman) and the little ones just sang. Clara had not really told us anything about the recital, but she did a great job singing and reciting the little poem. We then went back to her classroom where she had a present she had made for us (and had managed to keep it a secret). Emmett and Bailey loved the classroom and wanted to sit at the table with Clara. At one point Bayleaf disappeared and we found her talking to the birds in another room! It was a fun day and we were all impressed by the kids!

A couple days later was Clara's music class recital. Bailey's was at 3:30 (a terrible time for a recital for small children) and I managed to make it in time for that. Emmett was a holy terror and was only content if I stood holding him. We managed to make it through Bailey's concert and then he absolutely lost it and I had to take him out of the room. We ended up meeting Kate at her parent's house to drop off some stuff and he finally got happy when Kate's dad gave him a persimmon. We headed back (Clara had stayed with Aba and los Tios) and met Dada and los Abuelos for Clarita's recital at 5:00. She loves singing and knows the songs so well, but gets a little shy in front of people. There were only three kids from her class (Teegee was sick) and one of the girls hid on her mom the whole time so it was just Clara and one other girl. Clara did the motions and sang very quietly but the other little girl belted it out! It was cute. Clarita was absolutely enthralled with the concert and did great watching the other kids for a couple of hours. Emmett managed to sit through Clara's concert and then we spent the rest of the time in the lobby looking at the gingerbread houses and trees. Bailey joined us a couple of times (concerts are not good for small kids) and she and Emmett played. We headed to dinner with los Tios and Grandma Donna afterwards and Emmett was an angel and you never would have guessed how badly he behaved during the concert. I think the terrible twos started early...

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