Saturday, September 23, 2017

Elise Akina Suemoto

Sweet baby Elise came into the world in an unexpected manner when she decided to be born on her bathroom floor early in the morning on August 17, 2017! Laurie was in labor all day but since it was the first day of school, and she wanted to at least meet her kids, she decided to work the entire day anyway. They dropped Bayleaf off at our house after dinner and headed to the hospital where she had to walk, got a Demerol shot, walked some more and was eventually sent home for not progressing. An hour after they got home Elise decided she couldn't wait for a doctor and came out quickly and easily much to her dad's chagrin (he may have PTSD now). Luckily her parents handled it like pros and there were no complications. Laurie and Elise rode to the hospital in an ambulance while Russell cleaned up/de-stressed.

On the bathroom floor

Elise  was born at 12:48 AM ish (it's hard to determine a time of birth when it's a surprise home birth), weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces, and was 20.5 inches long. She has tons of black hair like her big sister and actually looks just like Bailey did when she was born (except a little more bruised due to the fast birth). She's absolutely perfect and we are all in love!

Bailey absolutely loves her little sister and is already a great big sister! Clarita was so excited to meet Elise and loves to hold her! Emmett likes to pet her and call her baby and Ayese Kina. It's super cute!

Emmett likes to give her toys

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