Monday, September 4, 2017

Summer Fun

We have had a lot of fun this summer! Here's some highlights in pictures.

When Dada has to fix the sprinklers it means the kids get to play in them! At one point Clara took off her clothes and then proceeded to take off Emmett's clothes too!

We have gone to quite a few parties. The most recent ones were Brinley's Grinchmas Party (she was the cutest little Grinch) and Daylynn's 8th Fiesta! We all had tons of fun celebrating the sweet Kauk girls!

Clara was so excited to see Grace, her best friend from preschool

Ghetto pinata

He literally punched it open instead of letting kids hit it

We're so lucky to have the Engstroms living three doors down. Olive is just a couple months older than Clara and Winnie is a month younger than Emmett. The four of them have had fun running back and forth between the houses (they literally leave a path of destruction), swimming, riding bikes, and hiding rocks!

Fresno Fuego soccer games which included Dada getting tripped while carrying Clarita who ended up smashing her head into the ground. I think it hurt him more than her because she was ready to go run around again the next time they scored.

Clara's only in it for the Dippin' Dots

Lots of swimming and playing with water. At home, at los Tios, at friends' houses...whenever they can get into a pool they do!

Whenever I need to get something done outside I set
them up at the water table and it buys me at least an hour!

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