Saturday, September 23, 2017

Partying with Bailey

While los Tios were being real life heros and delivering Baby Elise on their bathroom floor, Bailey was with us having a ton of fiestas! She and Clara had three nights of slumber parties and Clarita literally cried the first night Bailey was gone and Bayleaf requested to go back to Tia's house! There was a ton of chaos, some fighting, but mostly fun! I don't think Bailey is used to our super busy lifestyle and was exhausted by the end!

The first night was filled with baths and craziness! The girls were so excited about having a slumber party that they would not go to sleep and I finally had to tell them (at 10:00 PM) that if they did not stop talking and go to sleep, once of them was going to have to sleep downstairs!

Dada took Bailey to work with him the next morning prior to taking her to the hospital to meet Elise since I had to testify in court (I was really mad about the timing). Bailey said her favorite part of staying at Tia's house was Tio! Although she said she was not excited and did not want to meet her baby sister, Bailey immediately fell in love!

I picked the kids up at los Abuelos (Grandma Donna dropped Bailey off) and we had more chaos and playing while Dada swam. Getting three kids ready for bed is a lot more difficult than getting two ready!

Bailey + Emmett = total destruction

Friday Aba came and watched the kids so I could get some work and conference calls done. That evening we headed to Three Rivers to see our friends Phil and Kelly who rent a house up there in the summers. The McClartys went too and the kids all had a blast playing in the river, on the swings, and with each other! We hadn't seen the Askims in a while so it was nice to catch up. All the kids fell asleep on the way home and the girls only half woke up when we took them inside and Emmett didn't wake up at all!

Clara did Bailey's hair

Baby whisperer 

Saturday I took the kids to the Kauks' to get my hair done and they had fun playing with Brinley and Cambria. We dropped Emmett off and I took the girls to see the original Snow White at the Hanford Fox Theatre. We met Natalie, Lyla, and Cooper, and their grandma at Superior Dairy for lunch (basically ice cream) and then walked over to the movie. The girls had on princess dresses and had a blast! It was Bailey's first movie in a theater and when I asked her what was her favorite part she said, "Mickey Mouse" referring to the short Mickey Mouse clip at the beginning of the movie! We rode the carousel and then took Bailey back home. She fell asleep on the way to and from the movie leading me to believe that she was exhausted and ready to go home even though she kept saying that she did not want to go home. At one point I asked Bailey if she wanted to give baby sister hugs and kisses and she said, "No, I already did that!"

Battle wounds

Asleep on the way to lunch

Ice cream for lunch!

All worn out
Clarita was super excited to meet Elise Akina as she calls her, and held her so carefully talking about how cute and tiny she was! And Bailey was excited to see her too!

We had a great time but were all exhausted by the end! 

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