Saturday, November 25, 2017

Halloween 2017

After several pre-celebrations, we managed to still have a super busy Halloween. I worked in the morning and all of my co-workers (minus the intern) dressed up which was super fun! After work I headed to church to meet Aba and the kids for trunk or treat. Since Tia was still on maternity leave she got to participate for the first time! She went all out and decorated her car with a Frozen theme. Clara was Elsa, Bailey was Anna, Emmett was Olaf, Elise was Sven, and Tia was a troll. It was very cute. I just brought a bunch of princess things left over from Clara's birthday and Aba and I were Snow White and Cinderella. Clara took her role very seriously and passed out candy with her wig on nearly the entire time. Emmett and Bailey preferred to wreak havoc in my car which included turning it on a couple of times, pushing all the buttons (including shutting the back door on Aba), and throwing everything the could find! They also managed to pass out some candy, but both took so much time choosing which candy they wanted to give out that a line formed.

We headed home for a costume change and Emmett of course fell asleep. I left him in the car and he woke up after about an hour and cried for who knows how long before Dada finally realized and saved him. After putting on our Aladdin costumes we headed to the Ravens' for their annual Halloween party. This time los Tios joined and we ate and then went trick or treating. It was Bailey and Emmett's first time and they were both pretty excited. It was so fun to watch Emmett because he was really into it. He went from grumpy tired to excitedly talking nonstop about everything he saw and did! He really liked getting candy in his bag (even though he's never had candy and knew he didn't get to eat it) and cried when one house was out. At one point he thought that he was controlling the motion sensor lights on a house with his glow stick and kept pointing it at them and exclaiming,"I turn da yight on, I turn it off!" Watching Halloween through Emmett's eyes was such a fun experience! Clara and Teagan were old pros at trick or treating and didn't need any help. They ran from house to house saying trick or treat and thank you! At the end we even managed to get a picture with most of the kids looking at the camera! 

Emmett was obsessed with this cat

The best costume we saw all night

Emmett joined the monkey family

Friday, November 24, 2017

Annual Ketelsen Halloween Party 2017

As always, the Ketelsens threw a great Halloween party! This year the theme was Disney and I, of course, waited until the last minute to find costumes. That meant I went with whatever I could get with one day shipping on Amazon Prime/Target. Luckily I was able to find everything to put together Aladdin costumes and mine was the only one that didn't actually come as a costume. Clara was Jasmine of course, Dada was the Genie, Emmett was Abu, and I was Aladdin. Dada even made a magic carpet to bring along! There were a ton of great costumes including three sets of Little Mermaid! The kids had tons of fun, ate tons of food, and Clara and Bailey got their faces painted for the first time. It was a great night!

Watching the world series. The next day Emmett requested
to watch baseball instead of football!

She was terrified of the face painting 

The kids waiting for Chelsea to get
her face painted

Sibling rivalry, who wore it best?