Sunday, November 19, 2017


Flying to Michigan is a pain since Fresno and Flint are both small airports. It takes 15 plus hours and involves 3 flights and I just can't do that with kids. We have flown into Detroit before, but it is also kind of a long trip with several layovers. We decided to try something new and fly into Chicago and spend a few days there. Tia and the kids had never been there and I had only been once. We got a super cheap direct flight from LA, and aside from arriving super late, it wasn't too bad. We did have have quite a trip to the hotel on the L at midnight with four kids and four car seats! Even more fun was the walk from the station to our hotel; not very long but difficult with all the car seats and kids.  It was so nice to be able to take public transportation around the city and not have to worry about car seats!

We stayed downtown with an amazing view of the city and river! Unbeknownst to me when booking, the Chicago Marathon was going on the first day we were there (this explains why I had a terrible time finding hotels). It ran right by our hotel and Dada got up early to watch it. Emmett and I watched for a little while after he woke up and it was absolutely crazy how many people were running! We hit up the Lincoln Park Zoo once everyone was awake and saw lots of animals. The kids' favorite part was the carousel and after that Bailey lost it because she was tired and hungry. Our attempt to find food that was open on Sunday and not packed was terrible. We finally ate pizza at Gino's East and it was absolutely delicious! The kids were all tired and Emmett fell asleep eating! It was pretty hilarious!

Since we had such a late, filling lunch, we changed our plans and went for a walk with my friend Irini along the river. Tia of the year offered to watch all four kids so Dada and I could have drinks with Irini. He helped her take a screaming Clara and Emmett (they only wanted Mama) back to the hotel and then joined us. It was so great catching up with Irini and just what I needed! Tia even managed to give Bailey and Emmett a bath and get Emmett to sleep!

Monday we headed to Navy Pier for a river cruise. It was a great way to see the amazing architecture of the city and the kids were excited to be on a boat (the first time Emmett saw the river he said, "I go on boat!"). We met Ben and Rowan for lunch after the cruise and had a great time catching up. Emmett fell asleep on the way there and slept most of the meal. 

We headed to the Bean after lunch and hit up a really awesome park on our walk to Navy Pier. We rode the Ferris wheel and the kids loved it. I loved that it was enclosed so I didn't have to be as nervous! It was late and the kids were hungry so we ate dinner at the food court at Navy Pier. The kids of course chose pizza followed by ice cream for the girls and cupcake for Emmett. Then we headed back to the hotel and Emmett was so excited that we got to ride more busses.

Tuesday we went to breakfast and then got the rental car and after an hour of loading up, headed to Michigan!

We came back to Chicago Friday afternoon for some more fun. We had dinner at Timothy O'Toole's to reminisce about the fun we had there when we visited Brian and Katie ages ago. It was really good and the prefect place for kids because it was loud enough to mask the crying! We headed to the John Hancock Building to see the views. Dada and Clara went on the special part that leans you over so you can see below you. I was not about to do that and wasn't sure how Clara would do. She loved it and did great while Emmett cried that he couldn't go too. We made one last stop at Rock and Roll McDonald's to finish a very late night. Clara fell asleep in the stroller on the way back to the hotel she was so tired!

Saturday was pouring but I decided it would be a good idea to take a walk to a souvenir shop. It was not my best idea. Clara and Emmett had raincoats and boots but Bailey did not. She wore Emmett's jacket on the way there and I wrapped him up in the carrier and put Dada's jacket over us. He was very upset and cried so much that I traded him for Bailey in the carrier on the way back (much heavier). We took a shuttle to the airport and the kids were very excited that they did not have to sit in car seats. We had a great time in Chicago!

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