Sunday, November 19, 2017


I usually don't advocate driving to LA in order to get cheaper flights but it is really a pain to get to Flint since both Flint and Fresno are such small airports with not a lot of direct flights. Instead of a $500-600, 15 hour, three layover flight, we got a less than $200 direct flight to Chicago so I decided it was worth the drive with four kids. The drive was pretty uneventful but getting our stuff into the airport while Dada parked the car was a circus! With four car seats, two strollers, three suitcases, and several backpacks Tia and I had our work cut out for us even though the walk was short. Luckily Clara helped push a stroller and Bailey was able to pull her suitcase from the stroller. I'm sure we were a comical sight!

The kids did great on both the flights! On the way there Emmett was absolutely crazy until I finally put a show on the iPad and he immediately fell asleep. He slept about three hours until we landed. Clara and Bailey were occupied watching shows most of the flight (more screen time than Clara has ever had in a day) and were both really good. Elise was a trooper and most times you couldn't even tell there was a baby on board!

Getting from the Chicago airport to the hotel downtown was quite a feat. It was easy enough to get to the L, but then we we had to walk about a quarter mile to the hotel. It sounds short but with all of us carrying heavy car seats (and Tia and I carrying a child in a carrier in addition) and pushing a stroller or suitcase it was quite strenuous. We were all exhausted by the time we got to the hotel and vowed to do it differently on the way home (we took a shuttle)!

The flight home was much the same and involved Bailey falling asleep right away and Emmett falling asleep shortly after once I put a show on. Clara watched Super Why the entire flight, Elise was an angel, Bailey watched shows once she woke up and Emmett had to be woken up once we landed. I even got to read a book and it was so nice and relaxing. Not at all what I pictured traveling with four kids would be like!

All the kids passed out shortly after we began our drive home and stayed asleep pretty much the entire time. I also fell asleep and we were all happy to get home at 1:00 AM and get some much needed sleep!

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