Friday, November 17, 2017

4.5 Years

Clara seems like such a big girl lately! She is usually very self sufficient, can entertain herself for long periods of time, can be very helpful, and at times speaks like an adult ("Emmett doesn't know about such things yet.") Then there are other times when she throws poltergeist tantrums and refuses to do anything because she "can't." Luckily these are getting fewer and farther between and the helpful times are getting more frequent. 

Clarita continues to be a great big sister and although she gets frustrated with Emmett (and Bailey) she rarely hits and usually cries and yells instead. She is getting better about sharing as well as offering a trade if they have something she wants. Clara often tells Emmett and Bailey that she loves them and gives them hugs and kisses. She and Bailey refer to each other as "sissy" which is super cute!

Preschool is a lot more structured this year and Clara absolutely loves it! She loves to learn and while tracing some letters from her teacher kit told me, "I just realized that I have been making a lowercase a wrong all this time. I was making a tail when I should have been making a straight line down. I'm so glad I figured it out!" Ever since then she has been making her a correctly! She keeps asking when she will get homework and is genuinely disappointed that she doesn't get any. She is obsessed with spelling and constantly asks how to spell words and spells words she reads asking what they spell. I hope she always loves learning this much!

Clarita loves crafts! She has a craft cabinet and aside from the paint, I give her free reign and she is constantly creating. She makes cards for people with glue and glitter, stamps, drawings, and cuts pieces of paper that she glues on. She likes structured crafts as well and has recently been into making slime. We made glow in the dark slime and glitter slime to give to her ballet class for Halloween. 

My girl is so much fun and a great little side kick. The few times that I get to spend alone with her are awesome and she is so easy! She loves to give hugs and kisses and constantly tells us that she loves us and that we are the best mama and dada. She continues to be so emphatic and cries anytime she watches a Disney movie because she is genuinely upset for the character when something sad happens to them. She will literally have tears streaming down her cheeks and sometimes yell at the TV to stop whatever sad thing is happening. She really wants everyone to be happy.

Even though she sometimes drives me crazy and knows just how to push my buttons (I'll chalk it up to the fact that she's so similar to me and we constantly butt heads), I love this little girl so much and can't wait to watch her continue to blossom and grow.


Weight: 32 pounds
Height: 41 inches 

Clara is so tiny and clothes don't fit her well. She's still in 4T and only leggings or bike shorts fit her. Anything else literally falls off. Luckily she prefers dresses! Shoes are a size 10.

Mama and Dada and Emmett, playing outside and going to the park, playing with her kitchen, helping us cook, reading, riding her scooter/bike, playing with her cousins (especially Bailey who she claims is her sister), playing with the cats (especially Baza who she decided is her cat), singing, dancing, taking baths, anything craft related, bubbles, bounce houses, playing with her friends, dressing up (especially like a princess), Barbies, dolls, movies, ballet and tap.

Not getting her way immediately, being told no, waiting, having to go potty if she doesn't want to, not getting to eat dessert.

Clarita still takes a nap (except at los Abuelos) and generally goes down around 2:00 and sleeps for 1.5 to 3 hours. There have been more days when she has refused to nap so I have a feeling this stage is coming to an end. She goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 and generally gets up between 6:30 and 7:00. She usually plays and reads in her room (or lets a cat in to play with) until we come up to get Emmett. She sleeps in a twin bed with a million animals and a bottle of water. 

Clarita, Snugglepuff, Snuggle, Wiggle, Munchkin, Birthday Twin, Loqs, Puff, Wewah 

Clarita still talks up a storm and seems to have a good understanding of grammar. She  continues to speak more and more Spanish and now says some complete sentences in Spanish. She's still pretty into learning other languages and often invents words and tells me they are French or speaks gibberish and says it's Chinese.

Clara is definitely picky, but will eat things that other kids don't like. She loves fruit, and will at least try most vegetables. She likes salad and will generally eat that. She also generally likes yogurt and cereal (Grape Nuts and plain oatmeal are two of her favorites). Everything else is hit or miss. She will generally try anything if it means she can have dessert. Clara is still not a big meat eater unless it's super processed. She continues to love dessert and says that pizza and sugar are her favorite foods!

Favorite Colors
Pink, purple and red. 

Best Friends
She almost always says Bailey and Grace (from preschool) are her best friends. Sometimes Teagan and other of our friends' kids are thrown in. Sophia is always her "bester" friend. She's been adamant that she doesn't like boys except her best friend Drew (aka Lyla's dad), and occasionally will say that Reed or Kieran are her best boy friends. 

Exciting Events
March 20, 2017: First trip to the doctor for a non well check, first antibiotics (ear infection)
March 29, 2017: First rash
September 10, 2017: First amusement park (Santa Cruz)
September 11, 2017: First dance class (she loved it)
September 16, 2017: First soccer game

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