Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Christmas 2017

We headed to los Abuelos for lunch on Christmas and Emmett of course fell asleep on the way there. I tried putting him down when we got there but he woke up and was ready to go. We had a delicious lunch and the kids were anxious to open their presents. They did pose for a few pictures first and Teegee was so cute because she kept getting closer and closer to Emmett until she had her arm around him! 

They opened their stocking first and then helped pass out the presents and tore into them! They were so excited and all loved their presents. Christmas is so much more fun with kids! The adults opened our presents and they were great too!

We spent the rest of the afternoon/evening hanging out, watching Christmas movies, and the kids of course played with their presents. Emmett managed to get a nap in and it was a great Christmas day!

Putting lipstick on Fafa
We headed home and opened our stockings. The kids both got watches and were super excited about them! They were very happy that Santa had remembered them but sad that their Elf, Apichuca, had left. We finally got them to bed after a perfect, but tiring, Christmas celebration! 

Emmett's cheeser in the background!

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