Sunday, January 21, 2018

Christmas Recitals 2017

We started recital season off with Clara's preschool. All the kids did a great job and it was fun to watch because so many of our friends' kids were in it ranging from TK to the three year old class. Although Clara never sang any of the songs at home, she sang them all and did all the motions! Emmett and Bailey enjoyed it and Elise managed to get through it with very little fussing. I forgot her chuponcito but she stayed pretty calm sucking on my finger (it was really difficult to take pictures and video with a baby sucking on my finger though). We all went back to Clara's class afterward and she gave us gifts she made us. 

Clara and Bailey (and a bunch of our friends' kids) are in the Music and Me Class and Emmett and a couple other kids are in the Toddler Tunes Class. They all had their recital at Palm Village, a local retirement center, and it was fun to watch. The older kids were pretty into it and all did a great job of singing and doing the motions. The younger class had several kids not show up so it was just Emmett and Rory (and Denae and I). They both sang a little and Rory did the motions while Emmett did a few. At one point Emmett yelled, "you play it Mama" and handed me his tambourine. Reed also had a performance, but Bailey and Emmett had to go potty so I missed it.

We managed to get a couple pictures of the kids afterwards and they all had to take turns holding Elise. It was pretty funny, especially when Emmett held her and didn't really know what to do!

1 comment:

  1. Can Kevin and Russell please recreate that last picture of Emmett and Elise?
