Monday, January 15, 2018

The LBC for Tia Biffy's Baby Shower

The first weekend of December we headed to Long Beach for Tia Biffy's baby shower. Even though I had plenty of time, I of course left everything to the last minute. Luckily my poor planning turned out fine and we ended up getting to see a lot of friends! We stopped to see one of my college friends, Vy, and had dinner on the way. She has two little girls, Lucy and Livi. Lucy is about the same age as Bailey and both kids had a blast playing with her! Livi was as cute as can be and it was so great catching up with Vy while the kids played!

We couldn't have timed our stop more perfectly with traffic if we tried and the rest of the drive was super easy. The kids were so excited to get to the hotel and Emmett was excited for his first time sleeping in a bed. He was a little disappointed because he thought he was going to find his "buu tark cama (blue shark bed)" that he had picked out, but quickly got over it. We had to go in and tell the kids to calm down a couple of times and finally threatened to make them sleep on the floor before they fell asleep.

Setting all her stuff up!

Girl after my own heart!

Saturday we headed to the beach to take advantage of the heat wave (it was in the 80s). I was very unhappy about going from winter to summer but the kids loved it. We were able to meet up with my cousin, Jennifer, her husband, Micah, and their three girls at the beach. The kids were a little shy at first but finally warmed up and had fun playing together! Now that they live in California I hope we can see them more often!

What happened to my baby?

We met up with Tia Biffy for lunch and had a great time catching up and we even managed to take a picture with Santa! After a long lunch we decided to take a boat ride around the harbor to watch the sunset. The kids had a great time and the sunset was pretty. After that we headed to watch the boat parade in Naples. Both kids fell asleep on the way there but were excited to get out to see the boats. It was a little underwhelming and the kids weren't too into it. Maybe because we didn't know where to watch it from and couldn't hear anything.

Checking out one of the crazy decorations on Napls.

Sunday Clara and I went to the baby shower while Dada and Emmett went to the beach and to lunch at a Honduran restaurant. The baby shower was perfect and we had so much fun showering Tia Biffy and the little one. She's going to be a great mom and we can't wait to meet the baby!

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