Saturday, March 31, 2018

Annual Zooentines Day

Of course we went on our annual Zooentines trip! Clara picked ut dresses for the girls and we even found one that fit Elise! This year we went the weekend before Valentine's Day and both Aba and Grandma Donna were able to join us! The kids were super excited about their animals that we adopt for them each year. Clara got a cheetah, Emmett got a sea lion, Bailey got a kangaroo, and Elise got a sloth.

It was a lot colder than I expected and we were freezing for most of the morning. Luckily the kids didn't seem to mind and they spent the morning running around looking at the animals, and of course, feeding the giraffes! We even managed to see the bird show which we haven't done since Clara was tiny! 

I want a pet meerkat.

Emmett wasn't so sure about the bird.

Always excited to touch the sting rays!

These two, not so much...

We managed to get a picture of all of them together and there was definitely fighting over who got to hold Elise and pouting (especially from Clara) when someone else held her. 

We ended the day with lunch at Blossom Trail Cafe where Clara entertained Elise and Dada and Tio shared a meal on a man date!

Frogs and Fairy Tales 2018

Lately Clarita has been adamant that she does not want to go to the zoo unless it's princess day. She got her wish and we went to Frogs and Fairy Tales with Tia, Bailey, and Elise. Clara and Bailey were so excited about the princesses and ran from princess to princess giving hugs. Emmett was not as excited as the girls about the princesses, but he was pretty enamored with the frog! I didn't think he was ever going to stop hugging him! Clara was disappointed that Belle was not there because she wanted to ask her if she had a baby when she got older. The weather was cooler than previous years which was nice. We all had a great time!

Always holding hands!

The girls ran away from the lizards but Emmett was all about them!

Licking up every drop!