We started the month out with a trip to the doctor for pink eye which turned into discovering a heart murmur in Emmett. It was literally the day after his well check and a little crazy that nobody had ever heard it in three years. Apparently it is much more prominent when he lays down and he happened to be acting silly and laying down when she listened to his heart. It resulted in a trip to the cardiologist who proclaimed it to be a harmless "beautiful" murmur. He has a follow up in six months just to make sure but it seems to be nothing big. He thought it was fun to take his shirt off and get wires on his chest and did such a great job!

With Grace and Noah |
Fun with Jeffrey and Emma |
The girls participated in a soccer camp led by the high school varsity girls and had such a blast! There were only a couple of kids in their group that they weren't already friends with and it was cute watching them all together!
Clara and I went back to school shopping and she had so much fun. She is such a girly girl and loved choosing outfits (only dresses of course)!
There was lots of silliness and dressing up this month. Both kids became obsessed with an old pair of chili glasses and put them on any chance they got!
We celebrated Tristan's 13th birthday with a pizza dinner and the kids had tons of fun playing in the gumball machines. They really liked the mustache stickers they got! We can't believe Tristan is 13 and starting the eighth grade!
We had a trip to the dentist where Emmett got his first x-rays taken. Both kids did great and we got frozen yogurt afterward to celebrate no cavities.
He was literally afraid to move |
We continued celebrating our favorite one year old. I'm not sure who was more excited about her present, Clara, Bailey, or Elise!
Impromptu play dates and popsicles with the Engstroms are the best!
Bailey, Emmett, and I had some fun Friday mornings. Bailey kept Emmett entertained while I got work done...win, win, win!
The kids got back to school haircuts from Bri which is always fun!
They experienced Foster's Freeze for the first time. There's pretty much nothing for me to eat there (aside from ice cream which was literally my dinner) but they loved it.
When Mama orders you the wrong flavor you get doble! |
And you share! |
We had a fun fantasy draft and playing with second cousins!
Emily was finally able to get some swim lessons in. Emmett cried at first but then loved it and only wanted to swim under water! He actually swam back and forth but definitely needs to learn how to take breaths! Clara did great when she actually listened. I think Emmett will be better than her by next year because he actually listens.
We managed to make it to one of the last Grizzly games. Tio Robert was out of town and wanted to be there for Eleanora's first game, but she and Tia Erika still met us for dinner and snuggles! It happened to be pirate and princess day and the kids had more fun playing in the play area and seeing the princesses and pirates than watching the game. Emmett brought his glove and tried to catch some foul balls!
And most of all, we just enjoyed being together!