Wednesday, December 26, 2018


After Bailey's birthday party we headed to Southern California. When we went to Legoland in April we bought two day tickets and never used the second day. We figured we better do it while Clara had a week off for Thanksgiving or we would never use it. We stopped in Newport for a visit with the Hailes. Clara and Hadley got along fabulously as always and Emmett tagged along. We had a great time with friends we love and don't get to see often enough!
"I'm not gonna sleep!"

Sunday we headed to San Diego and met Mikaela at the beach. The kids played while we caught up. We met Tio Josue, Rachel and baby Samuel at a local brewery Tios Josue's friend owns for a late lunch. Mikalea and Dylan also met us there (although I have no pictures to prove it) and we had a great time catching up. It was great to meet Samuel and he was the sweetest and cutest little guy!

Monday morning we headed to Legoland and the kids were beyond excited! Unfortunately it was super crowded with lots of lines. We still managed to go on most of the rides they wanted to go on and Emmett got to drive a Lego car since he was too young last time! Legoland was decorated for Christmas and we got to see it "snow" and watch a Christmas performance. It was a great day and Emmett was asleep before we left the parking lot. He managed to stay asleep while we ate at In N Out and I had to wake him up to eat something. Both kids slept most of the ride home so it was nice and quiet for a change!

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