Sunday, December 23, 2018


This year we celebrated Thanksgiving at our house as is tradition. Nobody was sick this year and we had quite the spread! We managed to get pictures of everyone before we ate and they got tired and cranky. We actually got pictures of all the kids together with Aba as well as all of the families together...nothing short of a miracle!

Emmett is sad because he doesn't get to hold a baby

Much happier with "his baby"

We had a delicious meal and Clara, Bailey, and Emmett all tried everything. Clara told me she did not like most of it, but thanked me nonetheless. "I don't like it, but thank you for the food Mama." Bailey and Emmett quickly caught on and soon I was being thanked for the not yummy food by all three! Emmett did decide he loves turkey so I will call it a win!

Elise threw all her food on the floor

The rest of the afternoon was spent hanging out, watching football, and eating even more! We have so much to be thankful this year and were happy to be able to spend the day surrounded by our family celebrating all that is good in our lives!

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