Sunday, December 2, 2018


We had another fun filled Halloween! Clara's school went Trick or Treating downtown and I was able to dress up and go with them. It's a really fun idea where the local businesses pass out candy to the kindergartners and some day cares. I dressed up as a Care Bear and none of the kids knew what I was; they thought I was a pig! Clara was Wonder Woman and had such a blast! Her teacher is so cute and decorated their tables complete with different cut outs with their names on them!

Emmett and Bailey got to wear their costumes (Superman and Cinderella) to school and have a party. Then Aba, Elise, and Grandma Donna picked them up and they headed to church for Trunk or Treat. School had an early release and I was still at work at our Halloween party making this the first year that I did not go in ages and I was a little sad. They had a great time and even managed to get some candy! Dada and I didn't want to miss out on the fun so we dressed up for work too!

The kids came home and were too riled up to nap (except Elise), but they rested and then we all headed to the Ravens for their annual Halloween party and Trick or Treating. We had costume changes with Emmett as Batman, me as Batgirl, Dada as a skeleton, and Clara as a vampire (she had been obsessed with this for a while). We had a blast, ate a ton of delicious food, and the kids got lots of candy. They all had fun running from house to house and even managed to say thank you most of the time!

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