Sunday, December 30, 2018

November Fun

We had a pretty busy November that included tons of fun impromptu outings. Dada and I were training for Feat to the Beach so we took the kids to Exeter one Sunday morning so we could run hills. We took turns running/playing at the park with the kids. When we were done we ate breakfast at a random restaurant called The Whistle Stop that was awesome. There was a train that ran around the top of the restaurant, the staff were so friendly, and the food was delicious!

They let the kids play with some of the decorations

We took the girls to vote before family dinner and taught them about the importance of democracy.

The kids stayed with Tios and Aba while we did Feat to the Beach and had a blast. Unfortunately, Eleanora got baptized the same weekend so we had to miss it. Aba took the kids and they had fun celebrating Eleanora and her baptism.

The kids and I went to see the new HMC office followed by hair cuts for Emmett and I. Clara and Emmett love going to Bri's and entertain themselves nicely while I get my hair done!

Practicing for his future career as a beautician

We celebrated Dada's birthday a lot since he's our favorite! We went to dinner with los Abuelo's at Lazy Dog on his actual birthday and the kids were so excited about getting to make their own pizzas! Tia made her traditional jello cake for his birthday at Family Dinner. We ended the birthday celebrations with a trip to Red Robin!

Emmett loves Elise

These two are crazy together

We managed to make it to one Fresno State game with Megan and the kids. Emmett fell asleep on the way there and we let him sleep for an hour in the car while we tailgated before waking him up. Clara and Jack had fun climbing trees and Jace was cute as can be! We had a great time!

We had an impromptu dinner with the Engstroms enjoying Thanksgiving leftovers. It's always a good time with them and we're lucky to have such awesome neighbors!

Goodbye tackles
We had lots of fun playing with cousins, eating at restaurants (the kids's favorite things), hugging mannequins, and snuggling sleeping brothers!


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