Sunday, December 2, 2018

October Fun

We had a lot of fun in October in between all of our festive events! We finally hit up a Monsters Hockey game and all enjoyed it. Emmett especially liked all the smashing and crashing. Clara was in it for the Dippin Dots.

We celebrated Ryland's sixth birthday with a fun bowling party! The kids had a blast in their own lane and we duked it out with the McClarty's in another lane. Unfortunately for us, Jon bowled his best games ever and smoked us!

Tios watched the kids while we went out for our anniversary. I think walking the dogs was the highlight of their day! Elise's highlight was eating a super hard kiwi, skin and all!

We had lots of fun with cousins and friends!
Uptown Sprouts for lunch and fun

Dinner at the McClarty's with the Siegels

Clara has decided she is going to marry Reed!

Trying out new rain gear

Movie night at Tios with the Parkinsons

Practicing for future slumber parties!

Celebrating Drew's birthday at Roadhouse

Helping fill candy bags

Lots of baths!

Fun with Aba

Ice cream after soccer games

The cutest soccer fan around!

Always playing with the Engstroms

Clara had her first field trip to Hilcrest Pumpkin Patch. Unfortunately I had a doctor appointment and could not go, but Dada got to go! Clara had so much fun riding a school bus for the first time and even got to pick out a pumpkin!

The kids wanted to carve pumpkins. I tried to convince them to paint or color them but was outvoted. Needless to say, they could not actually carve them and it turned into Dadas carving them. Clara loved the slimy pulp and seeds but Emmett wanted nothing to do with it.

Bailey came over after soccer one weekend for a slumber party and we partied hard! We went to a local place that sells pumpkins and Clara posed them for pictures and we got homemade ice cream. We let Eleanora crash the party and come to dinner at Stacked with us. We watched a movie and the kids were out as soon as they hit the pillows!

Clara also picked out Bailey's outfit so they could match

Boss baby

They got juice at the gas station next door as their dessert

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