Sunday, June 30, 2019

April Fun 2019 Part 1

Looking through my pictures, April was a super busy month!

I was tired of all of the work that skiing with kids brings so I volunteered to watch all of them while Dada and los Tios went. Everyone thought I was crazy, but we actually had a great day at the Mennonite Relief sale with the Miltons. Sophie and her friend Gracie took the two older girls on a scavenger hunt while Kate and I hung out with Emmett and Elise. It was actually super nice and relaxing.

I put all the kids to work helping me to fill Easter eggs for school and church. They loved doing it and I hardly had to do anything! 

I got to help at farm day at Clara's school. It was pretty fun filled with lots of stations where volunteers from the community taught them about different animals. I got there right after the tractor ride in which the janitor apparently crashed into the fence!

I also made it to Emmett and Bailey's Easter party at preschool. They had tons of fun hunting eggs and eating yummy food!

We hit up the car show and pancake breakfast as is our tradition.

They forgot to do the pinata at Eleanora's fiesta and then we forgot to do it again at Easter. We ended up getting around to it at a random Tuesday night family dinner. The kids had a blast and I even took a turn which I found to be very cathartic!

We had tons of rain which drove the snails out. The kids had fun hunting them and cried when I told them they could not smash all the snails they found.

A stray cat at Aba's had kittens so we took a trip up to see them. The kids begged me to let them have some. If we didn't have a million stray cats I would have because they were so cute!

Emmett got to go to his first play! He's been asking for a while and I figured that Suessical the Musical at Reedley High would be a good choice. He absolutely loved it and Clara loved watching Sophie. Of course we got ice cream afterwards! We followed it up with Everything I Need to Know I learned in Kindergarten at Kingsburg High where Clara won an award for artwork she submitted!

We spent lots of time playing with cousins. Emmett and Bailey had fun playing at the park between dropping Clara off at school and the start of preschool. 

I got tired of pushing the double stroller so I convinced Clarita to ride her bike while I pushed Emmett. It was a ton better and she made it up to six miles going strong. Emmett was very upset that he wasn't big enough to ride his bike yet and I can't wait until the day he can and I don't have to push anyone! Dada even joined us a couple of times.

We had a little bit of warm weather so the kids and Dada braved the pool. He said it wasn't as bad as he expected but it was definitely not warm enough for me!

Aunt Beth made a stop to visit on her way to Las Vegas and we got to catch up with her. We enjoyed our visit and she helped Aba babysit one day.

The kids are constantly running back and forth between our house and the Engstrom's. Clara's favorite question is, "Can I knock on Olive and Winnie's door?" We love having such fun neighbors and made time for a BBQ amidst the impromptu play dates. 

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