Saturday, June 29, 2019

Six Years

Clara has started to seem so old to me. She's always been wise for her years, but she says things now that are downright insightful. Then she turns around and throws a tantrum because Emmett copied something she did and I remember that she's only six. Clarita is smart, sassy, and sweet all rolled into one. She loves to read and has started reading her books to Bailey and Emmett. At first I thought she was just paraphrasing or reciting, but one day she read a book Bailey got at the library to Aba and we knew she could actually read! She absolutely loves school and I love that she's so excited about learning and hope she always stays that way!

My girl is still a super girly girl. She loves skirts and dresses, bows, and Barbies. She still likes bugs and smashing snails but most of her interests are girly activities. Clara is practical though and generally chooses to wear running shoes rather than her cute shoes that she used to always want to wear. Why? She doesn't want sand in her shoes at school and she wants to be able to run fast!

Clarita loves music and always wants to listen to something. She's pretty good at piano although she often loathes practicing. She has been obsessed with the violin for some time and loves to prance around the house pretending to play one and using anything to simulate one. I think she likes the arts, music, dance, and theater. Sports, on the other hand, she doesn't seem very into.

Clarita is a social butterfly and loves to be around her cousins and friends. She loves running to the neighbors' houses to see if the kids can come out and play and gets sad when she doesn't get to see Bailey every day. That being said, unlike me, she is able to refrain from talking to her friends in class, even when she finishes her work early. She also likes rules and order and is so well behaved in school. I volunteered once a week and was always surprised at how good she was. Even when I was there she didn't act up or try to get special treatment. She doesn't like it when others don't follow the rules and is often upset with Bailey and Emmett because they don't care about rules.

She drew a picture of Bailey, Teagan, and her

Although Clara is constantly testing me and we butt heads all the time, she's still my little buddy and usually a good helper. She brightens my day and I can't imagine my life without her in it!

Yearly Pictures

Weight: 39.6 pounds
Height: 44.25 inches 

Clarita continues to be tiny with long legs like her mama. The only pants she can wear are leggings, and those have literally started falling off! She has to wear size 6 for length but has a pair of 4T shorts that fit her perfectly. Her shoes are size 12.

Mama and Dada and Emmett, playing outside and going to the park, reading, riding her scooter/bike, playing with her cousins (especially Bailey who she claims is her sister), playing with the cats, singing, dancing, taking baths, anything craft related, bubbles, playing with her friends, dressing up (especially like a princess), Barbies, dolls, movies, ballet and tap, playing school where she's the teacher.

Not getting her way, being told no, waiting, not getting to eat dessert.

Clarita is pretty much done with naps. I still make her take one if we're home on the weekend, but sometimes she just rests in her room. She goes to bed around 8:30 and generally has to be woken up at 6:45 during the week. On the weekend she will sleep until 8:00 if we let her. She sleeps in a twin bunk bed, alternating between top and bottom, with a a few animals (she generally doesn't care which ones and can sleep fine without any) and a bottle of water. 

Clarita, Snugglepuff, Snuggle, Wiggle, Munchkin, Birthday Twin, Loqs, Puff, Clarey (thanks Emmett)

Clara is getting less picky. She's still not a huge fan of meat, but will eat almost any vegetable. She prefers salad to cooked vegetables, but eats both. She loves yogurt and would eat it for every meal if I let her. She is very particular about her lunches and specifies what she wants each day. She has been willing to try some of the school lunches and found out she liked ground beef on spaghetti! Clarita got my sweet tooth and is very motivated by dessert.

Favorite Colors
All the colors of the rainbow with special preference for pink and purple. 

Best Friends
Bailey is her best friend/sister. Taylor is her best friend at school. Roger and Reed are her boyfriends and she plans to marry Reed. Sophia is always her "bestest" friend.

Future Career
Teacher or social worker.

Exciting Events
March 22, 2018: First time going to Chuck E Cheese
April 13, 2018: First roller coaster
May 19, 2018: Runs her first Dala Trot and gets first in her age group!
June 10, 2018: First piano recital
June 16, 2018: First dance recital
July 5, 2018: Finally masters whistling (she had been trying for so long)
August 16, 2018: First day of kindergarten
October 8, 2018: First cotton candy (she did not like it)
March 1, 2019: Stops using baby monitor (Emmett broke it)
March 19, 2019: First manicure

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