Saturday, June 29, 2019

Easter 2019

Easter seemed more relaxing than usual this year. Maybe because my kids are bigger and more self sufficient? Whatever the reason, we had a lovely day. The kids patiently waited until Dada was done running to open their baskets. They were pretty excited about their loot! Then we got doughnuts while Dada got ready. 

We headed to church where we learned about Jesus' resurrection complete with a fun snack/craft and had an Easter egg hunt. I felt a little old because the kids that used to be little were now helping me hide eggs! The kids had a great time learning about the real reason we celebrate Easter.

After church we headed to los Tios for more egg hunting and eating. Getting all the kids to look for pictures proved difficult, but we tried! The kids made out like bandits (both finding eggs and getting presents) and the big kids made sure they left lots of eggs for Elise and Eleanora. We ate a fabulous lunch with so much food I could barely walk afterwards!

Then we headed to Gruncle Tod's and Gruantie Traci's farm for more food, egg hunting, and cousin fun. Abuelos were out of town, but the kids had a blast running around and playing with all their cousins and second cousins. It was probably one of the coldest Easter's of their lives complete with crazy wind and dustnados! All in all it was a great day celebrating with family that He is Risen!

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