Sunday, June 30, 2019

Eleanora Turns One

Somehow it happened, Eleanora turned one! Hard to believe that the tiny baby who arrived 10 weeks early is now a giant one year-old! It was a difficult first few months, but she is now a healthy little girl. She's super tall and we joke that she will be bigger than Elise soon (it's not actually much of a joke)! 

Elise loves Eleanora and says she is her baby. Emmett and Bailey like to play wit her too, but Clara says she's boring and prefers playing with Elise. In a couple of months when she can walk and talk I think Clara will be more interested. Eleanora usually cries when I come home from work and she's at my house, but I'll chalk it up to the fact that she refuses to nap and is usually grumpy by the time I get there. She actually let me hold her at her party and did not cry!

When she's not tired, Eleanora is the sweetest baby and loves to smile and laugh. She reminds Aba and me of baby Clara because she's always "talking" up a storm. She loves her cousins and I don't think she can wait until she can run around with them. 

Eleanora had a Minnie Mouse themed first birthday party. It was cold and windy, but everyone managed to enjoy themselves. Eleanora loved her cake and got it all over the place; it was adorable! She's such a joy and we're so glad that she joined our family!

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