Sunday, January 2, 2022

December Fun 2020

If you know us, you know we love to celebrate Christmas with ALL the Christmas activities. Even with COVID, we had still planned to do a few things. Unfortunately most of that changed with the shelter in place order and increase in cases. We specifically got Zoolights tickets for the beginning of December hoping it would still be ok. Turns out we were wrong. Even though it was the day before the order went into place, the zoo decided to close. We also had pajama train tickets but decided not to go with the rise in cases. The kids were definitely disappointed, but realized things were just different this year. 

We did still manage to have some fun! We celebrated Fafa's birthday with a lunch with Abuelos and los Ramirez. The kids hadn't seen Tristan and Teagan since the world shut down in March so they were pretty excited. We also had one last hurrah with The Engstrom's before the world shut down (again). Corey had an old school Nintendo with a ton of games; unfortunately it couldn't connect to the TV so we played it on this tiny TV...still fun!

We got our house decorated and managed to get in one parade! Reedley did a "reverse parade" where you got to drive down the parade route that had decorated floats along it. Definitely not as fun as an actual parade, but better than nothing! Tia and I even bought matching pjs for our entire families and we wore them to the parade. We had Grandma Donna take some pictures of us before we left and we nearly died of laughter at some of her attempts!

Even though there wasn't much snow, we still got some skiing in. Elise even got to go this year! Clara thought it was fun to give her lessons. I discovered that wearing masks while skiing is the best because my nose actually stayed warm! Emmett, of course, fell asleep on the way home...every time!

Clara's school is boring and didn't do anything special for Christmas, but Bailey and Emmett got to wear their pjs to school and decorate cookies! Since they had Zoom school on the last day before Christmas break, we got chocolate milk and donuts to celebrate!

Tia watched the kids during Christmas break so I could take advantage of kid free days to catch up on my work. They had tons of fun, made awesome crafts, and I got tons of work done! Emmett found Clara's old super girly Christmas pjs and decided that they were his favorite! The fact that there was a pair for Elise too was a bonus!

While there weren't a ton of Christmas activities this year, we still went to see local lights, made a ton of cookies, and the kids even made gingerbread houses with Aba while I had Zoom court! We also got to watch a virtual Lindsey Stirling concert. It wasn't as good as the live version we saw the year before, but was still cool!

This kids had fun playing with all of their new toys after Christmas and even got to grow some crystals!

Clara auditioned and made it into honor orchestra! It was virtual with the first practice several hours on Zoom. There were a lot of shenanigans with cats, playing with cousins ad Olive and Winnie, and relaxing. Definitely not a normal December, but still fun!

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