Sunday, January 23, 2022

February Fun 2021

Things started to look up in February! The grandparents and I got fully vaccinated and everyone else got their first dose! Lockdown ended and we started venturing out again. The zoo opened up again and we were able to do our annual Zooentines Day! The kids were excited to go somewhere again and super excited about their animals! Afterwards Dada decided Clarita should get her ears pierced. She was supposed to do it for her seventh birthday but the world shut down. My girl didn't even blink or make a sound; she just sat there and handled it like a pro!

The kids started having "weddings" at our Saturday dinners and they were hilarious. Of course, Clara planned them and Bailey and Emmett were always the bride and groom. We did a Zoom Super Bowl party, and while it wasn't the same, it was still fun! Abuelos came over on the weekends and Emmett helped Fafa and Dada build a treehouse.

Bri made us all pretty and gave Aba her first haircut since pre COVID!

The kids got to be reunited with Olive and Winnie which meant lots of playing after school (since it ended at 10:30 that made for lots of time to play)! There was lots of playing with cousins, and the best was when we took the kids to get passport photos and had Bailey with us. I'm pretty sure the workers thought we had an adopted daughter who we didn't love enough to get a passport!

We managed to get a little skiing in too! I destroyed Clara's wall trying to take the letters from her nursery off the wall and then tried to paint over it with the wrong paint. Even though I a) realized I was ripping the paint off with the letters and b) realized I was painting the wrong color, I kept going. Of course that paint brand went out of business so I can't even fix it without repainting the whole wall...

The kids got to work on their Little Passport monthly subscriptions that Tios got them for Christmas which helped occupy all their free time. I even managed to get my Cricut out to make Valentines and they thought it was pretty fun! They also spent a lot of time making "zoos" with their stuffed animals. This of course included feeding them proper food!

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