Sunday, January 23, 2022

January Fun 2021

January was another month of staying home. We were back in quarantine and spent most of our time at home or at Tios. We generally ate dinner at their house on Tuesdays and at ours Saturdays. Dada continued making a dessert (and sometimes complete meal) from a different country each week and the kids helped. We pulled Clara out of dance since COVID was bad and grandmas were watching the kids. 

Even though we were not very busy, we still managed to have fun. Tia watched the kids during Christmas Break and they managed to destroy Styrofoam packing to make it snow!! We celebrated Aba's birthday with dinner at Tios and cake! Clara had Zoom honor orchestra practice which was actually nice because we didn't have to go anywhere! 

The kids spent the month dressing up, played with their Christmas presents and built all the Legos! Eleanora even came over and "opened" her early birthday present dollhouse! We had a couple warm days and Clara played in the sprinklers at the high school after a "workout."

We were still on lockdown for my 40th birthday, but I had already planned on that happening so I wasn't too sad. I got a run in with Bri, gorged myself on cheesecake Chelsea brought me, and ate dinner we picked up in the car! My staff decorated my office and Clara wrapped my presents in blankets to save the environment. Tia made me cake and Clara ate everyone's leftovers! It was actually a nice day despite the circumstances!

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