Clarita continues to be a little chatterbox. She talks nonstop and is so animated. She gestures with her hands, shakes her head, rolls her eyes, and makes the funniest expressions. Clara continues to like order and doesn't like when people don't follow the rules and tells them so (although she can bend them if she wants). She is getting better at sharing, but still needs some work. She thinks that Bayleaf should have only one toy of Clara's choosing and when Bailey grabs other toys, Clarita gets upset. Clara says some funny things, and the fact that she uses a mix of English and Spanish makes them funnier. It's often obvious that she is translating from Spanish to English and says things like "Is it for eat?" "I have an orange little." "Are we going at the parque?" She continues to be into sign language and often asks how to say things in sign language or Spanish. She now tries to bargain with us and always remember if we told her she could do something that she wants to do. She also likes to point out when I start to say the wrong word (in English or Spanish) and then change it. She's a pretty funny little girl!

"Bailey's not talking. She don't have batteries!"
(After screaming that she didn't want to take a nap.) "I didn't want to sleep, just play. Que Clara!"
"Baby Emmett have pezones (nipples). When he's bigger he can feed his baby with his pezones." (After explaining that only women can feed babies and only niñas will be women) "I'm a little lady. I'm a little mama."
(After I get out of the shower) Clara: "You're gorda mama." Me: "No I'm delgada." Clara: "Your stomach is real fat!" Me: "Is your stomach gorda?" Clara: "No." Me: "Who else has a fat stomach?" Clara: "Dada!"
"Baby Emmett have a little tail. Dada you have a big tail."
"Mama, I'm gonna drive. You sit in my car seat."
Clarita is really into "working." She once told me that dadas work and mamas stay home to take care of kids! After dropping dada off at work Clara said, "We supposed to go to my work but it's sleeping." Me: "Where's your work?" Clara: "Fresno." Me: "What do you do?" Clara: "Moving the grapes like dada." (she saw a video of grapes going down a conveyor belt at his work and has now decided that his job is moving the grapes!)
Me: "What is this (point to blender)?" Clara: "A Jamba Juice maker!"
"Is question mark coming?" (After I talk into my phone and say question mark. I have explained and showed her what a question mark is, but she still thinks it's a person!)
"I'm little big. A little big, but a little bit small."
Looking at a picture of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, "They're not adorable right there!"
"Mama you still have pajamas you don't supposed to do that. You supposed to wear ropa."
(Talking about balloons) "It doesn't go in the aire (air). Only diamonds go in the aire." (Took me a while to figure out she was talking about twinkle twinkle little star.)
"Oh no. The leaves are falling. Darn it."
"When you make me sad I'm gonna cry ok?"
Me: "Yo tengo hambre (I'm hungry)." Clara: "Yo tengo want Cheez Its!"
After a discussion on what we should name the stick horses. Clara: "Seegee and poopoo. Mine is Seegee and Baby Emmett's is poopoo." Me: "Hola Seegee." Clara: "Now say hola poo poo!"
Clara: "I need my casco (helmet)." Me: "You don't need it you're inside." Clara: "I need it because I'm running." Me: "You don't need a casco to run, just ride your bike." Clara: "Yeah I do, football players wear it when they run."
"Points to my apron which says bitch bitch bitch, "I tink that spells Mama.""
"(While in the mountains) We don't have osos (bears) or ardillas (squirrels) at our house. Just gatos (cats)."
And my personal favorite which I didn't even get to witness is something Clara said in her music class and Tia Alyssa texted me. The teacher asked what songs the kids wanted to sing for their Christmas recital and Clara suggested "All the Single Ladies." Miss Hannah told her that they had to choose songs that they learned in class so, unfortunately, we didn't get to hear them sing All the Single Ladies at their recital!