Well, it has been since November since I wrote Capitolo Uno and I finally decided to keep track of another day. Things have changed quite a bit in the last 4.5 months as Emmett has grown a lot and Clara hasn't grown that much physically but continues to impress us with her ever expanding language and mind.
Clara has become obsessed with this little blanket that is soft on one side. She likes to put it on her feet when she goes to bed but she also wakes up almost every night and has moved so the blanket is not on her feet anymore. She then cries for Dada and I go up and put it back on her feet and she goes back to sleep.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
5:24 am - Clara wakes up asking for her soft blanket so I go and fix it for her and she falls back asleep. At 6:45, Clara wakes up. When I go up to get her she cries because she wants Mama to get her so I tell her she will have to wait until Mama is done taking a shower. Shannon brings the kids downstairs at 7:35 after feeding Emmet. After Shannon leaves, we play but Emmett has been a little fussy so I put him down for a nap at 8:55.
Playing together in the playroom |
Its supposed to be like "Memory" but Clara just tells you what is on each card. |
Someone is fussy because he is tired. |
After crying for a few minutes he falls asleep (like normal). Clara and I continue to play downstairs while Emmett takes a nap.
Making salad |
At 10:10, Clara and I go upstairs to wake up Baby Emmett as we have to be at the library at 10:30 and he is still sleeping. I have a bottle of milk warming as I get him. Clara grabs a snack of graham crackers.
Mmm...Super old Horizon graham crackers |
We walk to the library (Clara actually rides in the stroller this time, she usually likes to walk) and get there just in time to start at 10:30. I feed Emmett at the library. Clara is a little clingy in the library today and starts to cry at one point after I try to convince her to go sit with the other kids for storytime and then Baby Emmett grabbed her hair. That really set her off but it is very short lived. We do the crafts, return our books, check out some new books, and hit the park at 11:40.
Painting the Very Hungry Caterpillar |
Getting ready to swing! |
We play there for a while and Clara swings next to Sophia (who was also at the library and is also a bilingual gringa). They copy each other for a while and then Clara has to go potty. I push the stroller into the park bathroom and Baby Emmett sits in it while Clara and I go to use the potty.
Emmett loved this pole |
Clara got a few slides in too |
Emmett is so easy, he can already feed himself! |
After going potty she says she is done and wants to go to the panaderia. It has become somewhat of a routine to go to the panaderia after the library now so we head over and I get her a blue cookie that she chooses. She puts it in the stroller and says she will eat it after lunch. Great! I don't even have to say anything about not eating it until after her meal! We finally get home at 12:45 and make lunch of grilled cheese.
Emmett had fun bouncing while I made lunch |
The giant blue cookie! |
At 2:00 after eating, playing, reading, and going potty Clara finally goes to bed for her nap. At 2:05 Clara calls out because she has to go potty again. Emmett is getting hungry at the same time. Clara does go potty again though and I finally get both of them down at 2:20 after feeding Baby Emmett, the first time they have both gone down for a nap at the same time in a long time! I catch up on a few things and then catch a couple Zs myself. I am not a big napper and I didn't sleep well or very long but I figured I would try since it was a long weekend and I hadn't slept well the previous week. Clara wakes up from her nap at 4:40. We read some books until 5:00 when Baby Emmett wakes up. We read and play some more until Shannon gets home from work around 5:35. We head over to Los Tios for dinner. We all ate a yummy dinner that Tia Laurie made and then Shannon had to run to Fresno for work so the rest of us went on a nice walk in the fields.
Clara pulled the others around for a short walk... |
Then Bigby took a turn |
Clara ate some ice cream after and then Shannon came back and ate some ice cream too. Clara continued to play in the living room after Bailey went to bed and even woke Bailey up once with her screeching. We finally left at about 9:00. Emmett fell asleep on the car ride home and Clara finally went to bed at 9:45. Shannon and I followed shortly after that.
Look at me! |
Lets go for a ride! |