We thought Dada was crazy when he started doing half ironman events, but little did we know he would get even crazier... Last summer he decided that he wanted to do the Climb to Kaiser bike ride, a ride that starts in Clovis and climbs to the top of Kaiser Peak; 155 miles with more than 15,000 feet of elevation gain. I remember seeing people doing this event one year when we were in Shaver and we both agreed they were crazy. Turns out Dada is too! There was only so much training he could do with two kids, a full time job, and a busy life so he tried to do one long ride each weekend. I'm sure this is not the ideal way to train, but I guess it worked since he made it!
Los Tios had a wedding that afternoon and I was watching Bailey. I decided to try out life with three kids and took them all up to watch the ride (I guess I'm a little crazy too). We left around 8:30 and passed Dada before Shaver. I hated driving by the bikes as the rode is small with no shoulder and super curvy. We stopped in Shaver by the rest stop and by the time I had gotten all three kids out of the car, sunscreened, and changed, Dada was just arriving (it seriously took me half an hour). We hung out with him for a little while then cheered him on his way and headed to Huntington Lake for lunch. I had no idea where I was going and just happened upon an awesome picnic area right by the lake and the road. Emmett was asleep so I left him in the car while I took the girls and the food to a picnic table. I left Clara in charge (luckily I was parked close by) and headed back to get Emmett and the rest of the stuff. When I got back she had sat them at the table and was getting all of Bailey's food ready for her, such a good helper (sometimes)! We ate lunch and played in the water. I had no idea where Dada was but we happened to be walking through the parking lot as he passed by so we cheered him along. We went potty, changed diapers, got cleaned up, and headed out. We took the Kaiser Pass turnoff and passed Dada before turning around and heading back to Shaver for some ice cream.

Helping to put sunscreen on Bailey |
Clara refused to take a picture so Bayleaf stood in |
Bayleaf had never had ice cream before and was super excited when Clarita gave her some. She kept saying "ice cream brrr" and signing cold. It was cute. Emmett kept trying to steal some ice cream and wasn't happy when we wouldn't let him. I nursed him instead and after two trips to the potty (my biggest accomplishment was going to the bathroom and helping Clara while holding Emmett) we headed down the mountain. Emmett and Bailey fell asleep right away and Clara fell asleep about 20 minutes away from home. I left her in the car sleeping while I unloaded everything else and she requested to continue sleeping when we got home (I don't think she actually did).

I was exhausted and required two sodas to keep me going. Dinner consisted of chicken nuggets and salad as I couldn't fathom making anything else. Los Tios arrived as we were finishing dinner and decided Tia would drop Tio off at the finish line to drive Dada and his car home as we figured he would be tired. I gave the girls baths and let them watch Baby Signing Time so I could relax. I realized that my decision to only have two kids was a great one. I felt like I could never really pay enough attention to each kid, never get them clean enough, and everything took 10 times longer. Luckily they are all really good kids and all helped out. Clara helped with Bailey (and didn't have any meltdowns which is lots of help), Bayleaf helped get Emmett things, and Emee helped by being so easy going and sweet. We had a lot of fun (probably much more than Dada) on our 190 mile adventure!
The littlest helper |
Right before Bailey pooped on the floor |
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