Monday, July 25, 2016

Lo Que Dice Clarita Primavera 2016

Clara is still a little chatterbox and talks NONSTOP. One day she was talking away and Tia asked, "Does she ever stop?" The answer was no. When she's not talking, she's singing anything from VBS songs to All About that Bass and All the Single Ladies to Toddler Tunes. She still often refers to us as Shannon and Kevin which always turns heads. Clarita is speaking more Spanish but still prefers to speak in English. She will generally translate if asked and understands everything. She continues to say some funny things and I know a lot of them are due to her translating from Spanish to English. She still loves sign language and lately has been requesting to learn French. She continues to be super expressive and her facial expressions, hand gestures, and intonation are hilarious. I get told all the time that she is going to be some type of performer...

"My eyes want to play and all my other parts aren't sleepy." In response to Aba trying to get her to take a nap.

Clara: "I have a vagina and a peine (penis)." Me: "Only boys have peines." Clara: "I have a little one, a girl one!"

After she poops she looks in the toilet and says, "There's a little bounce house!"

"Those are Cheeto pieces not poppies!"

Clara: "Kiss me again" (as she sticks out her tongue). Me: "I don't want to kiss your tongue!" Clara: "But it's clean!"

"When you bath me and put Agua on my head it hurts my eyes so I wear these things (puts on goggles)."

Dada: "Do you want to go see a football game this year?" Clara: "I think so." Dada: "Who do you want to see play?" Clara: "I think the Raiders." How did we end up with a Raiders fan?

Dada: "Don't touch your butt. That's gross. Is something hurting your butt?" Clara: "It's itching." Dada: "Why does it itch?" Clara: "The pogo stick is itching it!"

Me: "There's bubbles all over the sidewalk!" Clara: "The sidewalk was thirsty."

"I like Pastor Doris bettery. Because she has a little bit long hair." In response to a substitute pastor leading church with very short hair.

Me: "I think Tio made a workout for you." Clara: "I think he made me a little rower!"

Me: "Stop shaking your head." Clara: "I'm just wagging my tail." (Her ponytail was swinging)

"This is the webpage and this is the perfect page." Me: "What's a webpage?" Clara: "I don't know but Dada says it."

(Points to a Sobe) "This is soda" Dada: "No it's not." Clara: "Oh it's beer." Dada: "It's not beer either." Clara: "Oh it's wine!"

Clara: "What are you eating?" Me: "Poo poo." Clara: "Que asco (gross)! Can I have some?"

"There are dinosaurs! In a workshop in boxes! They make them and then they grow!"

Clara: "That's a bad virgin." Me: "Where did you learn that word?" Clara: "In the iglesia (church)." At least she's paying attention in church!

"Mama do you paint your lips?" Me: "I don't like to." Clara: "I don't know why you don't like to paint your lips and have pretty lips!"

Clara (wanting to have another slumber party with Bailey): "You have a slumber party with Dada in your bed but I don't think you sleep." Me: "What do we do?" Clara: "You just do all the things you need to do and then you sleep."

"If Bailey be'd our kid then she could live with us!"

"Aba you need a man!"

"Sometimes dada does bad things and I say no no no." Me: "What kinds of bad things does he do?" Clara: "He eats grass and licks the floor."

"Do you need to put gasoline on Baby Emmett?" (I was putting Vaseline on him)

"I hope Emmett wakes up soon." (While eating a Popsicle at the store) Me: "Why?" Clara: "To tickle him!"

"The house is dirty, Leticia (our house keeper) needs to come clean it!" (We had to have a talk about cleaning up our messes as she says this everytime she makes a mess.

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