Friday, July 8, 2016

Dada Day Weekend

We headed up to the cabin for Father's Day weekend. Clarita was very excited about this and had been looking forward to the trip all week. Unfortunately, Emmett got hand foot and mouth disease the day before we left. It didn't seem to bother him and since the rash started in his diaper area and he was growing his first tooth (Clara got terrible rashes each time she grew a tooth)  I just assumed the rash was due to the tooth. Friday Clarita refused to eat before preschool and was fussy and tired. I just assumed that her first week of preschool had worn her out. When Dada picked her up she was crying and refused to eat lunch wanting to sleep. She had a fever that lasted all night, but she still wanted to go to the cabin and told us she would feel better there! So we headed up after work and ate and rested.

Saturday Clara seemed all better but Emmett now had a rash on his feet and one little blister on his hand. That's when I finally figured out what it was. He still seemed fine and we hung out and went for a walk while Dada rode his bike a million miles and los Abuelos got ready for the black pot cookoff. Dada got home and we ate lunch and I took Clara to get a popsicle at the store while the Little Guy napped. After nap time we headed to the black pot cook off for some yummy food! Clara refused to eat anything except berries and bacon, Emmett ate fruit, I ate mostly dessert since the main dishes had meat, and Dada ate everything! The weather was perfect and we enjoyed being outside. They have this event each year but I had never been before. All of the food is cooked in cast iron black pots on tables with coals. Then everyone samples the food and votes on the best dish. Abuela Sheri won the main dish portion last year.

He was obsessed with the stairs

Look, no hands!

Her legs broke

Sunday we went on a hike to Weaver Lake. We hadn't been since Clara was a year old and figured it would be a nice short hike to try with two kids. I carried Emmett in the carrier and Dada carried Clarita in the hiking backpack. She was so excited to go in the backpack and had been talking about it all week. Unfortunately we buckled her in and it was uncomfortable so she started screaming to get out. I finally unbuckled her and after a few minutes she stopped screaming and settled down. We had only gone about half a mile of the two mile hike when we came across a couple on the side of the trail. The girl had fallen and probably broken her ankle and they were trying to figure out how to get back with their giant backpacks and a dog. The guys offered to help them down, but that meant that Clara had to walk because there was nobody to carry her. She did absolutely fabulous! She climbed over rocks bigger than her and walked holding my hand. It was all uphill and she did not even complain. She stopped a couple of times to drink water and eat snacks and sang continuously. Emmett hung out looking around and finally fell asleep towards the end. Dada caught up with us when we were almost to the lake, but Clara kept walking. She hiked about a mile and a half and we were so proud of her! We ate lunch at the lake and played while we waited for Fafa and another guy to get to the top (they had ended up driving the couple back to their car which was parked farther down the trail). Then we headed back down and Clara sang to us and Emmett fell asleep.

We got back to the cabin got cleaned up and headed back home into the heat. It was a great weekend celebrating some of our favorite Dadas!

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