Saturday, February 23, 2019

3.5 Years

At times Emmett seems older than 3.5 but at other times he seems like he's still my baby. He still loves to snuggle and carries his neighneighs (bunnies) around with him. He loves tools and says he wants to be a builder when he grows up. Emmett is generally easy going and when he throws a tantrum can usually be redirected. He loves all things active and cannot wait until he can play sports next year. He says baseball is his favorite and he also wants to be a baseball player when he grows up.
Practicing to be a builder

This isn't even half of the animals he has on his bed

Crazy hair!

As lovable as he is, Buggle can also be a terror. He wants to do everything Clara does and when he can't, he gets mad and often yells at her or even hits her. He literally wants to play with whatever toy she has and still doesn't understand that sharing doesn't mean that she has to give him what he wants. The two of them either get along perfectly or fight; there really doesn't seem to be any in between.

Crying because he only wanted to take
pictures with Mama

Emmett is learning a lot in preschool and knows his letters, the sounds they make (for the most part), his colors, shapes, and can count to 20. However, he really does not want to write his name or even color. If I ask him if he wants to color he says he can only "cribble" (scribble) and doesn't want to try. I know he's super young for his grade and figure he'll get it eventually. I think the main benefit he's getting is socializing without Clara present and with kids his own age. His teachers say he is starting to talk more and really coming out of his shell.

VIP day is always fun!

Giant cookies are so yummy!

This is obviously how you eat a gingerbread house

We call Emmett a guacamaya (parrot) because he literally copies everything Clara does. If she changes her mind about something he changes his too. She can convince him to do almost anything (except eat) and he idolizes her. As a result she is teaching him the things she learns in school and he is a willing student. She taught him the songs to spell the colors and I assumed that he just memorized the words but didn't actually connect them to spelling. However, when I showed him the colors on a piece of paper, he was able to read them to me. I guess being a copycat comes in handy sometimes!

Future stripper?

All in all my Little Guy is still a sweet little bug who makes our life so much better. Although he is starting to drive me crazy with his whining and complaining sometimes, he makes up for it with his kisses and hugs. Clara always says how cute and sweet he is and I think we all agree!

The hardware store is his favorite!

Black and blue nose

EKG showed no more heart murmur!

Emmett's Stats
Weight: 32 pounds 
Height:  38 inches 

What Emmett Wears
All of his clothes are 3T and shirts are getting a little small. His pajamas are 4T and shoes are size 7 or 8 depending on the brand.

Things Emmett Loves
Mama and Dada, Clarita, Bailey, Elise, Eleanora, fruit, animals, baths, bubbles, being outside, climbing, balls, running, jumping, dancing, bikes, scooters, stuffed animals especially neigh neighs, reading, copying Clara and Bailey, dinosaurs, puzzles, cars/trucks, sports-especially baseball, his BBQ, tools, smashing things, cutting and pasting.

Things Emmett Does Not Love
Not being able to do what Clara and Bailey do, having to wait, being told no, getting a toy taken away from him, Clara not sharing.

Emmett is the pickiest child. He still loves sausage, pizza, and fruit. Everything else is hit or miss. There are nights when he sits down, sees what is for dinner, and announces that he does not want dessert (aka he is not eating). He literally won't touch his food on those nights and nothing can make him. He generally eats a big breakfast the next morning and doesn't seem to be starving. 


Emmett continues to talk nonstop! He's getting easier to understand and starting to use big words like he hears Clara using. He still can't say "S" but has started saying words that start with "S" like native Spanish speakers do by putting an "E" in front (escared). He can say the "S" then. 

How Emmett Sleeps
Emmett goes to bed between 8:00 and 8:30 and sleeps until around 6:30 or 7:00. He takes a nap between 1:00 and 2:00 for 2 to 3 hours. He sleeps in his twin bed with a water bottle, a pile of his favorite toys (at the moment), and a million animals. His favorites are his bunnies (neigh neighs) and he now has a collection of five (a mama, dada, brother, and two babies) who he named Coocoobaba, Tatatuhneighneigh, Baby Neighneigh, Baby Nane, and Thumper. He's still a great sleeper and often has to be woken up from nap and in the mornings. Clara will often get him up when she wakes up and wants to play.

Snugglebuggle/Buggle,  Baby, Baby Bug, Bud, Emee, Bubba

Favorite Colors
Blue, Orange, Green, and Yellow

Best Friends
Bailey and Clara and he says Elise is his baby.

Exciting Events
January 31, 2018: Heart murmur is officially gone!
December 2018: Starts writing his name
October 8, 2018: First cotton candy (not super impressed)
September 5, 2018: First day of preschool

August 29, 2018: First swim lesson
August 9, 2018: First EKG
July 31, 2018: Doctor finds heart murmur (not exciting at all)


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