Sunday, February 17, 2019

January 2019 Fun

We started January off with some building at Home Depot which is always fun!

We went to a varsity girl's soccer game where they recognized coaches and players from the youth soccer teams. Emmett was super excited that he got to wear an extra jersey from Clara's team!

We celebrated Abuela Sheri's and Aba's birthdays with dinner out. Unfortunately I didn't do a good job of documenting them. Tia also made her traditional jello cake to celebrate Aba's birthday at family dinner.

Dada had to go to LA for work on MLK day so we tagged along and hit up the National History Museum and the La Brea Tar Pits. The kids loved them both. The National History Museum had a special dinosaur exhibit that the both loved and the 3D movies at both were big hits! Clara was super into learning about everything at both places. We managed to find a great Honduran restaurant and get some delicious food. The kids were only impressed by the jugo de maracuya (passion fruit juice), not by the baleadas.

Nice dinosaur!

Jugo de maracuya!

We got some great hairdos from Bri! As always, the kids had a great time! Emmett requested a "normal haircut" and said he didn't want spikeys anymore. It was a very sad day.

For some reason my birthday went on forever this year. We celebrated with my family at our house and Dada made the most delicious salmon that even Tio Robert liked! We went to the obligatory Red Robin dinner, Baskin Robbins stop after church on my actual birthday, and Tia made jello cake for family dinner. I ended by going out with Bri and Erin complete with Bri bringing me a cheesecake at a bar and insisting on singing happy birthday!

We celebrated sweet Olive's sixth birthday at Uptown Sprouts. It was super rainy and the party had to be moved inside instead of at their tree house. They had cute activities like making a paper bag puppet that doubled as a candy bag. Each kid had to show their puppet and Corey gave them a verbal award. Emmett refused to draw anything except eyes and a smile, but Corey was even creative enough to give him the award of best happy smiley face! We had tons of fun celebrating one of our favorite friends! Clara was extra excited that one of her friends from her class was there too!

Clara, Olive, and Eilam

No nap = asleep watching a movie at 6:45!
We had a lot of rain and had to occupy ourselves inside with musical instruments and lots of wrestling!

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