As usual, Christmas was jam packed with family and fun! Clara was so excited on Christmas Eve morning that she woke up at 3:45 AM! She agreed to go back to her room but did not sleep. I'm not sure if I was more annoyed or proud that she loves Christmas as much as I do! We let the kids open their presents from each other before we left for work and Tia watched the kids while we worked in the morning. After naps we all hung out, watched Christmas movies, and helped cook. We had a delicious pasta dinner which the kids even managed to enjoy without too much complaining. In a true Christmas miracle, we all got ready early and took family pictures before church! We were a little afraid that Eleanora wasn't going to wake up in time for the pictures but she made it! The kids were extra adorable in their matching outfits and it was fun to have another prima to include this year!
Emmett looked like he was strangling Elise in half the pictures |
One happy Aba! |
Emmett trying to corral Elise |
Emmett in a sea of girls |
Bailey joined our family to light the candles in church at the beginning of the service. It was a fun way to be included in the service. The kids managed to behave well during the service (in part due to the candy canes they received during the children's message) and were in awe of their candles during the part where the lights are turned off and we all sing. It's my favorite service of the year and no matter hold old I get, I always love lighting those candles and singing!
After church we headed back to Tios' and put our pjs on. The kids opened their presents and were all so excited and appreciative. Emmett really wanted a Paw Patrol firetruck and a crane and literally jumped up and down when he opened them. The kids were exhausted and definitely ready for bed by the time we finished. The three bigger kids slept upstairs together and we did not hear a peep from them after we put them down. They were too tired to be crazy unlike last year when they wouldn't go to sleep!
Eleanora even got excited about opening presents! |
Once the kids were asleep we ate dessert and opened presents. I forgot to order my traditional rum cake this year and decided to try my hand at making it sure it would not even be comparable. Turns out it was a super easy recipe and actually really good. Now I can make it every year! We all got awesome presents and had a good time hanging out and relaxing. We went to bed way too late but it was worth it!
Christmas day the kids woke up early but were content to play with their new toys while we waited for Tio Robert, Tia Erika, and Eleanora to wake up so we could open stockings. They were definitely for their Santa presents! We ate a delicious dinner prepared by Tia and then headed to los Abuelos.
Emmett fell asleep on the way there and we left him in the car for about an hour while we waited for los Ramirez to get there. I finally woke him up and he was definitely still tired but managed to get his second wind. We opened presents and both girls were excited about the presents they had picked out for everyone at the Santa Shops at school. They both put a lot of thought into them.
We had a delicious dinner that the adults enjoyed and the kids picked at. We attempted to get pictures of the kids but Teagan wasn't having it. After that torture we played with toys, watched movies, ate way too much junk food, and had a great time. By 6:30 Emmett was having meltdowns every five minutes and we decided to call it a night.
Obviously very excited about his food |
Showing off her new vest |
Once we got home we opened our stockings, finished our Advent calendars, and went to bed. It was a long and tiring couple days, but we were so blessed to spend them with those we love best!
A new bunny to add to his collection! |
I still have my stocking my Grandma made me when I was little |
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