Sunday, February 24, 2019

Life of a Big Sister

Big sisters get to have a lot of fun playing with their cousins.
So excited that Bailey came to pick her up from school

Vests from Abuela Sheri
Big sisters get to have a lot of fun making faces with their Dadas.

Big sisters get to eat lots of yummy things!

Who doesn't love raw broccoli?
We love Bella Bakery
Big sisters get to have fun with their Dadas while their little brothers take naps.

Playing in the sprinklers at the colegio

Working with Dada

Sometimes big sisters get jealous when their little brothers get to do things while they are in school. If they're really good, and get ready super early, they get to go to Uptown Sprouts before school.

Big sisters get to go to the movies while little brothers take naps.

Big sisters get to go on fun adventures and make fun things.

When your clothes get all wet you have to
go home without them!
She loved her breathing treatment

Clara the cat girl

Playing her "violin"

Big sisters get to have fun at school!

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